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By the next morning, you were already tired of staying in your room.

There's only so much you can do in a room with no books, no TV or no one to talk to.

And since thinking always brought you bad memories, you opted for a different thing when the nurse came to deliver your breakfast, first thing in the morning, "Uh, Miss? After breakfast, can I take a walk in the hospital? I promise I won't bother anyone and I won't try to wander too far off."

Your eye stared right into hers, and she looked at you with slight hesitance, "Sweetie, normally I would have allowed it, but... you don't have any guardians with you, or any caretakers for that matter... I can't just–"

She stopped midway when she watched your single eye, water slightly as you lower your head, "I... I understand..." The poor nurse couldn't help but feel bad as she watched you sulk. Ever since you first came in, she already felt bad for you when she heard from her fellow nurses that your scalding burn was your mother's doing, who poured boiling water on you in anger-or something along those lines.

And to add on top of it, you didn't even have anyone visiting you yet. Yesterday, all who visited was your father (who's apparently the number two hero, Endeavor!) and your brother, but only for a little while. One would think that such an injury on a kid your age would definitely concern your entire family but anyone from your family had yet to visit or bring you get-well-soon gifts.

She sighed softly as she turned away, "I'll ask the head nurse about what we can do, but to do that, I want you to eat all your food."

Almost immediately, your eyes sparkle and you nod cutely, "Got it! I'll do my best!" She can't help the smile that paints her lips, feeling proud of herself for making you smile.

Kids your age should always be happy. They shouldn't have to be sad because of burn wounds or the lack of parental affection.

True to her words, as soon as you finish all your breakfast, you see that she came in to collect your empty tray and turned to you with a smile, "I just asked the head nurse and explained everything... She says it's okay, so long as you follow some rules." Nodding at her appropriate request, you wait for her to start explaining those said rules.

"First of all: No running in the halls." She raises a finger to show you that it's the first rule. Then she raised her second finger, "Two: no bothering other patients or doctors unless you need help."

You nod with every request and she continues, "Three: don't wander away from the hospital premises or talk to any strange people." Just when you think that's the last one, she pulls out a small wristband and asks for your arm.

You gingerly give it to her as she gently ties the band to your wrist, "Lastly, fourth: wear this tracker. Usually, we use this for criminal patients that need to use the bathroom so that we can track them if they escape, but in your case, you need to wear it so if you get lost, we can find you." You doubt you will but you don't mind following a harmless little rule.

"If you're lost in a place where you have other staff members, just go to any nurse and tell them that you need to go to the dermatology department. They will lead you here, okay?" You gave her one final, and form nod as she smiles.

"Oh, and before I forget... Your family just called... Your brothers and sister will be coming over to visit in the afternoon, so make sure to return by then, okay?"

"Got it." To top it off, you gave her a happy smile that she couldn't help but return.

You really are a cute child.

She ruffled your hair, mindful of your bandages before finally allowing you to leave. The moment you stepped out, you already felt much better.

Getting stuck in a hospital bed was never your favorite pastime activity. Not in your previous life, and neither in your new one.

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