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Warning: This chapter contains some very graphic details. Please proceed with caution.


You tried so hard to steady your voice when you saw him, but no matter how hard you tried, your voice still gave up on you and cracked when you uttered his name.


The said boy looked over at you, turning his head slowly in your direction and finally letting his gaze rest on you. In the blink of an eye, you watched his facial expressions turn from fear and confusion, into horror and disbelief.

It was as if he couldn't believe you were right in front of him.

The two girls you were with smiled brightly as they rushed to call Mr. Sun. While the rest of kids kept staring at Touya as if he was some sort of creature for display.

"Woah, that's Mr. Sleepyhead! I heard he was asleep for 3 whole years!" One of the kids stated as another chimed in, "Isn't he [Name]-chan's older brother?" The first kid looked at him in surprise, "What, really? They don't look alike at all!"

You watched Touya, seeing the cogs in his head turning as he slowly recalled what he previously remembered.

'Sekoto Peak... I was there when I burned up... The fire and... [Name].' Touya's eyes widened when he stared ahead at you.

'Those burns... are my fault... I burned [Name].'

"Where... am I?!" Touya started, but he stopped himself. He grabbed onto his throat, as if he couldn't believe what was coming out of his own mouth. This was his voice? But... there's no way. He recalled his voice; loud and squeaky. He remembered waiting for the day his voice would change, hating how other kids in his class had a more adult-like voice than him. He hated that he sounded like a child, but now...

He sounds so... husky.

He stood eeriely still, like he had just seen a ghost while you just stared at him in shock. But your shock was overtaken by your reasoning when you realized that he had just woken up from a 3 year long coma.

"Touya!" You called out once again, this time in a much more worried tone as you rushed to get to your brother. He was also shaken out of his horrified state, but before you could actually get to him, Mr. Sun was quick to enter the room.

"Oh, my! It seems like you really are awake!" The sunflower headed male began, a growing smile playing on his lips, "Where... am I? Who are you?!"

Mr. Sun smiled as a humored look overtook his features, "Ah, you really are siblings." He turned to you with a small smile, "Your sister here asked the exact same questions when she first woke up."

Touya turned to you, as if the sunflower man calling you his sister reinforced the fact in his frazzled mind that you were indeed, his 5-year old sister that now looked older than before.

And those scars... God, those scars...

"I-I... I have to go back... [Name], we–" Touya was cut off from his ramblings when Mr. Sun spoke up with that same sickly sweet smile on his face, "You can't!" He said in a cheery tone, making your brother turn to him in confusion, "Why not?!"

"Because this is your new home! From now on, you will live here with everyone else, just like your sister, little [Name]-chan! Your very own place under the sun!" The sunflower man smiled kindly, making you finally interject in the situation, "Mr. Sun, I'll talk to him! Please let me handle this." You requested and thankfully, the male obliged to your request.

But it seems like Touya didn't want to listen just yet.

"Talk? What's there to talk about? I-we... We have to go back! We gotta get back home! I'm sure-I'm sure dad was just busy with work, that's why he couldn't visit us, [Name]!" You could see Touya trying to gather his thoughts.

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