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All Might was a bit confused with the way you addressed him, but he didn't bother thinking much about it.

Instead, he focused on the three men in front of him, that were busy glaring daggers at his figure.

"So it's you three that have been under the heroes' watchful gaze for a few months now! To choose such a crowded place to plant your bombs, you truly are evil through and through!"

"Evil? Don't make me laugh! Sons of bitches like you are the reason why this society is so fucked up!" One of the men spoke, as by now a crowd had begun to form around the hero and the three villains.

You were closer to one of the villains than you were to All Might. Noticing this, the man closest to you didn't even waste a second before rushing over to you and pulling you along with him, dragging you were standing right on one of the remaining 5 bombs.

"Pull any crap and I'll blow this little bitch to smithereens!" You couldn't help but deadpan at his stupidity, "You're not very bright, are you?" You couldn't help but ask as the man turned his rage-filled glare to you, "What did you just say?!"

"I said that you're not very bright. Because if you kill me, you'll die with me." Another of the men perked up and cackled, "You think we care about that?! So long as we can bruise the egos of those fucking heroes, we're ready to even die!"

"Then die. Stop being a nuisance to society, you fucking losers." You huffed in annoyance, already growing tired of these type of people that were supposedly ready to die, but never actually took the step when they were clearly just a burden to society. They contributed nothing but chaos and wasted precious resources, like food and money, that much more needy kids could use.

Like, if they're too cowardly to do it, do they want your help? You'd gladly help if All For One decided to take the initiative too!

"You think you're so funny, huh?! You stupid little bitch–" The man holding onto you reeled your head back before slamming you face first onto the ground, making you hear a crack as you winced.

Ugh... The metallic taste of blood slowly filled your mouth and you grimaced. Blood tastes awful, the fuck is up with these assholes?! Did they really just break your damn nose?

All Might looked horrified and immediately called out just as they were about to slam your face on the ground, "Wait! Leave the child out of this!" But they still did it because they're assholes. Obviously.

You could tell All Might was tense about the whole situation, you could hear it in his voice.

But what pissed you off the most was that he was just standing there, doing nothing.

Sure, you can save yourself but what if it had been someone else in your place, an innocent civilian with little to idea what to do?!

Would he just stand there? Watching as the villains used the hostage to their advantage?

You've seen videos of All Might, you know the speeds he can move at... Maybe some of that speed would of use here!!

Tugging at the hood of your hoodie, the man holding you hostage pulled your head up to show your face.

You're pretty sure you looked like shit.

Your face was dirty, small cuts and bruises littering your already-charred skin. Your broken nose had a waterfall of blood streaming down, travelling all the way from your nose to your chin. Most of it was smeared to the side before it finally reached your chin.

All in all, you'll definitely have to do some explaining when you'll go home.

"You vile bastard! You dare hurt a child?!" All Might sneered as his whole body tensed up. You had your face raised up high for display, but the crowd was pretty far away, so not many people could see your face.

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