「Chapter 5」

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"No, Stefan, I want to stay," Elias firmly stated.

"You'll have the chance to see him again, I promise," Stefan reassured.

"Just not at this moment. I want to talk to him first," Stefan insisted.

Elias regarded Stefan with a thoughtful expression. "Why?" he inquired.

"I don't want him to harm you," Stefan emphasized.

Elias let out a sigh. "We both know he won't do that."

"I can't be certain of what he's capable of right now. His humanity is off," Stefan argued.

"His humanity is on, and even if it wasn't, he still wouldn't harm me," Elias countered with conviction.

"Elias, please, I don't want to argue," Stefan pleaded desperately.

Elias sighed and then picked up his giant grimoire. "I'll leave then," he said as he began to walk away.

"Are you going to carry that thing all the way back home?" Stefan questioned, concern in his voice.

"Yes, why should you care?" Elias retorted.

Stefan sighed and then walked up behind Elias, gently taking the heavy grimoire out of his hands. "Come on, I'll take you home," he offered, his tone softening.


In his room, Elias sat down and began flipping through the ancient grimoire, searching for spells that might prove useful in the challenging times ahead.

His expression grew serious as he stumbled upon a particular page, one dedicated to Rippers. Elias carefully scanned the page, but to his disappointment, he found no cure or spell that could help.

A thought crossed his mind—could he possibly find a solution since he wasn't an ordinary witch? But he quickly dismissed the notion, realizing he needed to focus on preparing for his encounter with Enzo.

Elias harbored a hope that he might find a way to slip away for a day, avoiding any interference from Stefan or Damon, and make his way to Whittemore College to rescue Enzo.

However, a nagging thought intruded—Dr. Wes Maxfield likely had the doors securely locked. Elias scoffed at the idea, almost forgetting that he possessed supernatural abilities that could overcome such obstacles.

With a renewed sense of determination, Elias stood up and extended his hand, causing the pillows in the room to levitate, a reminder of the power he possessed.

Elias, now fully immersed in the exercise of his powers, set the pillows back down and turned his attention to the cup of water resting beside his bed. With a concentrated effort, he caused the water to levitate out of the cup, creating a swirling liquid spectacle around the room.

With his other hand raised, he carefully manipulated the water, gently pulling it together into a cohesive mass. Then, with a subtle gesture, he pushed one of his hands outward, causing the water to rapidly freeze into a solid block of ice.

Elias was momentarily stunned by his own abilities, and in his surprise, he inadvertently dropped his hands, causing the frozen ice to plummet to the ground and shatter.

Elias stared at the shattered ice on the floor, a mixture of awe and concern washing over him. He had known he possessed unique powers as a witch, but his abilities seemed to be growing stronger and more unpredictable.

Elias turned swiftly towards the sound of the slow clap, his guard initially up, only to relax when he saw Damon standing there.

Damon's sarcastic applause continued as he commented, "Well, this was definitely not what I was expecting."

𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat