Working some more and a tea party after.

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   You wake up from your bedroom, and look around. You look outside and see the sun rising up. You glare at the sunlight as it enters your room. You sigh and get up from bed stretching. Today we work at the shop some more you though as your get dressed and ready for the day. You go downstairs and notice that Max wasn't downstairs either. Do I have to be the one to wake him up every day... you grumbled and grab a pot and filled it with ice and water. You walk upstairs again and open Max's door and walk to his sleeping form. He looks so...... peaceful...... too peaceful. You tip the pot of ice water above him and dump it on him.

   Max yelped and fell of the bed. " What. the. HELL (Y/N)! I was having a really good dream." He yelled then whined. You deadpanned at his statement. He relies what he said and blushes a bit "Not like that! Jeez (Y/n) you have a dirty mind." Your cheeks redden a bit. 

  "Well what did you dream about then?" He talks about his dream as you sit down on his wet bed and close your eyes. "And then I was in a birthday party-" You slap your hand on his face to shut him up.

  "I don't get two-shoots about it. Anyways you need to set an alarm or else I'm going to wake you up with something different and annoying everyday." You glare at him. "What is your problem?," He thinks for a moment and then looks like he has an eureka moment, "Are you having your peri-" He was interrupted by you bonking him on the head. "Shut the hell up and get ready, we have work today." You leave his room and head downstairs waiting for Max. Soon Max walks downstairs rubbing his eyes with one of his hands. He nods and you nod and you both walk outside to your shop. 


    Wally looks outside the window and sees you walking to your shop. He sighs as he admires the way you walk, your (h/c) hair bounces as you walk. The way your (e/c) eyes shines in the morning light. Oh how he wishes he could be with you. Maybe he will. One time he tired to hypothesize his love but for some reason when he tired to hypothesize you it wouldn't work. You complemented his eyes and said that they were swirling around. How could it not work? He thinks as he looks at your body and then looks at a necklace. He glares at it. Your friend, Max was it?, must have gave that to you. It looks very pretty on you and... magical? He might have to do plan B if he can't get you to him peacefully.


    You and Max got everything set up and you were giving Julie some pastries that she asked, butterfly shaped macaroons, some small cakes and different types of chocolates. You wondered what she was doing with all of these and decided to ask her. "Hey uh... Julie? What are you doing with all of these? Are you having a party or what?" She looked excited when you asked her, 

  "Oh! well me and Frank are having a tea party in the forest! And since you asked do you and maybe Max want to join?" You were a bit surprised she asked you. You though for a moment and said, "Yes I would love to join let me ask Max real quick," You turn around and shout for Max, 

   "Hey Max! Julie invited us for a tea party do you want to join?" He shouted back a no and said he would be busy. You wonder what would keep him busy since you both don't really have anything to do. You turn back to Julie and  said that Max would not be joining. She looked disappointed but still kept her smile. 

   "Oh and have you seen Sally? I haven't seen her at all today."She said a in a soft tone. You said you didn't but would keep an eye for her. She had a small smile on her face and said goodbye to you and left. You were a bit worried for her, yes she has an ego but like Julie said she can be nice. 

    You sigh and started to day dream as few of the other neighbors came in and out. You wonder why Wally was like that yesterday and what he meant. You had a frown of your face as you think about him. He was weird, nice, funny, and kind but maybe there's a different picture underneath him. Sooner or later it was time to close. Both of you got home and you changed into her casual clothes then your work clothes. You wave good bye to Max, who has a smiles on his face and head of into the forest.

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