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    YAY! I HAVE 1,6K READS! Thank you all for who have been reading this far! Also can you check on the Conversations tab on my profile I have wrote something there that I need answered.


    Wally looks around in the night. He was finally out of Home. He didn't want to waste another second. He looked at your house and started to sprint towards it. He couldn't wait for his love to be in his arms. He waited forever but now he has a chance to get you in his arms. He was at your house and touched the door knob and twists it.

  It was unlocked.

   "Oh~ silly silly (Y/n)~ You must be so desperate for me to get in and get you out of here.~" He talked to no one as he walk inside, admiring you and Max's style in the house. As he looked for your room he looked around and see what you like and not Max. After a few minutes of looking around he quietly went upstairs, but stop at the top. There he sees Max but in his guardian form. 

  Max was most wearing white and gold armor. His eyes are white, his back had white feathers that had a tip of red on it. He has a halo that shined in the moonlight. In his hand was a weapon, a spear. Max was in a battle form, aiming the spear towards Wally. "Hello Wally, What brings you here.~" Max said and smirk. "Are you perhaps looking for (Y/n), your "love" has you call them."  Wally didn't want to deal with him so he had to use his weakness, a cute little kitten. 

  "Oh no I'm not here for them. I have a gift for you." Wally then pulls out a black kitten and let it walk towards Max. Max's eyes went back to normal and stared to gush at the kitten, leave his stop near the door.Wally took this opportunity and slipped in your room closing the door behind him. Before he closed it Wally could faintly hear him say "Your name is going to be Jinks!" Wally snickered a bit. He then turn his head from the door to you. There you were, eyes closed and resting. Wally looked around your room. Man you must really like the color (f/c). Maybe he will change his area for where to put you in this color.

   Wally creeped up to your bed and looked closely at your face. Admiring your pretty (h/c), your beautiful soft looking hair, touching it, some parts of it wasn't so soft so you might need to shower when you get to his house. He really wished he could admire you more closely like this. And now he can, his wish came true. Without wasting any more moments and carefully picked you up, you were as light as a feather. He opened the bedroom door and quietly went back down stairs and out the door.


   You woke up but didn't open your eyes. Your bed felt soft, warm, and comfortable and smelled like apples you rub your face against the pillow. Wait- apples? You opened your eyes and jump up. This isn't your room. Where are you? You get out of bed and looked around the room. It was certainly messy and needed cleaning. You look on the bedside table and saw a note. Grabbing it and reading it-

Dear love,

   We are finally together now! I can't wait for you to wake up so I can take to you face to face. I mean, I enjoyed those times you talked to me but it was never enough for me. I wanted more. Now, I have it, I have you.~ Make sure to take a shower, when you leave my room it is right in front of you, there is already some clothes for you on my bed. Come down stairs when you are ready! 


Come here my love~ ( Lovesick Wally x reader)Where stories live. Discover now