Chapter 23

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Molly's POV

When I got home I ran right up to my room ignoring all questions

I just stayed in my room and cried

"Molly?" Someone asked but I didn't answer

"It's Matt" he said but I don't want to really talk to anyone right now

"Matt please just go away for right now" I said but I knew he didn't leave

"Molly please" I heard someone else say and it was Nash

"Guys please, I will just talk to you tomorrow, I really just want to be alone right now" I said

"I don't want you hurting" Matt said

"Maybe this wouldn't be as bad if you would have told me y'all knew about it" I said even tho I don't know if he knew I just want to see

"How did you find out?" He asked and I opened the door

"I didn't! I just wanted to see if you knew! Thanks for being a good brother!" I said starting to raise my voice

"I was trying to protect you!! You were in the hospital and I didn't want you to be anymore stressed out and more hurt!" He yelled

"Matt it hurt me more that you didn't tell me" I said and I walked back into my room

I decided since I was going to be in my room for the rest of the day I was going to film a video

I text Shawn to tell him to come up to my room and to bring his guitar

I redid my makeup then Shawn came in my room

''I'm sorry'' he said and I nodded

''Well I'm singing Fight Song'' I said then he nodded and I started the video

*skipping video*

When I got done I made Shawn get out so I could edit the video

I got done editing the video then posted it then said something about it on all my social medias then watched Netflix

''molly its time for dinner!'' Nash yelled

''not hungry'' I yelled and locked my door because I know Matt will try and come in here

I heard someone try and open the door but that obviously didn't work

''Molly open the door'' Matt said but I didn't answer

''ok whatever I'll never this food outside your door just incase you get hungry'' he said and I heard him walk away

I know I'm being a little bratty but he hurt me almost as much as Hayes did

*6 hours later*

its now two in the morning and I'm sitting in my room watching Party Down South on the CMT app

I knew all the guys went to bed because they all text me saying they were

I also know that Matt is asleep because he cant stay up this late unless he's extremely hyper

I poked my head out of my door and I saw the living room tv on

I couldn't see who it was but they turned around but it was still to dark to see

I closed my door fast and then locked it

I had my back on the door and slide down it

"I hate myself" I whispered then for back in my bed

I stared at the ceiling then turned my body and and looked out the window

As the hours when by I could see the sun start to rise

I walked over to my window and sat next to it and watched the sun rise

I looked at my phone and saw it was 7:34 a.m

I heard all the guy start to get up and I could hear them start to make bacon

It make me want to throw up

I have completely lost my appetite since Hayes cheated on me

Matts POV

I woke up and walked downstairs and saw Nash asleep in the living room

I woke him up then cam and Taylor came down and I started to make bacon

"Do you think she's ok?" Cam asked referring to Molly

"No, not at all, I know she's sad and upset andI feel awful" I said

I never meant for any of this to happen, I just wanted to protect her

"Dude you were just trying to protect her and honestly I wish I had a little sister like Molly to protect" Cam said and I nodded

"I'm going to try and give her something to eat" I said and got two pieces of bacon and walked up the stairs

"Molly?" I asked knocking on the door

"I have bacon" I said but nothing

"If you want I can make you something else" I said hopefully but still nothing

I sighed and walked back down the stairs

The guys looked at me but I nodded my head no

"I feel like I really need to help her but them again I feel like I need to give her a little space" I said

"I know what you mean but this can't last for every long, she need to eat something" Taylor said

"She doesn't know I know this but she has a secret stash of candy in her room so she should be fine for a couple of days because I know for a fact that girl can't go long with out eating" I said

If she ever does anything to herself I will never forgive myself

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