Chapter 26

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Sorry if I'm to ugly for you....

Molly's POV

We got home and I put away everything that I got and changed into black nike pros and a sports bra then a to shirt over it then put my hair in a pony tail

I walked back downstairs and sat on Matts lap and cuddled into him

"I hate him" I said mumbling into his shoulder

"I know, me too" he said back while brushing my hair

"I don't understand what I didn't wrong" I whispered again

"You didn't do anything, Hayes is just stupid" he said

I know Hayes is stupid but still, he either did it for himself or for someone else but either way it happen

"Matt I don't want to do this anymore" I said

"Do what?" He asked

"All this social media stuff and I don't want to tour anymore" I whispered

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but you have to go with us when we tour but you don't have to go on stage" he said

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me

Matts POV

After Molly and I talked she just stayed in that position and didn't move or talk

"Is she ok?" Jack J asked

"Yeah" I said

"She said she doesn't want to do social media anymore and she doesn't want to tour anymore" I said

"But she's still going to go with us right?" Cam asked

"Yeah, I'm not letting her out of my site again, but if she doesn't want to go on stage don't try and make her" I said and they all nodded

It's more of mentally aspect with Molly, we can try and help her but there isn't much we can do

"And if she doesn't want to make a video don't make her feel bad if she doesn't want to" I also said

I don't think the guys will make her feel bad on purpose but you never know. I know much all the guys like to make videos with her but I don't want her to have a mentally break down again

"Hey M?" I asked but nothing

I picked her up and brought her in her room and tucked her in and turned off the light and walked out shutting the door behind me

I think Molly will be fine and after we start touring and stuff I think she will start doing social media again because of how much she realises she misses it

It's hard to just stop doing what you love

She will probably go more crazy not doing social media.

"I'm bored" Aaron whined and we all laughed

"We seriously need to do something besides watching a movie or make a video" I said and everyone agreed

"But there isn't much to do" Nash said

"Let's play never have I ever" Cam said evilly

We got pickle juice and Mountain Dew for some stupid reason and I think I'm going to die, or throw up, maybe both

"Ok I'll start, never have I ever had a little brother cheat on someone" Cam said laughing and Nash glared at him and took his shot of pickle juice and Mountain Dew

"Oh my gosh I'm going to through up" he said and started gagging

"Ok don't throw up in here" I said

"Ok never have I ever eaten a bug" Nash said and none of is took a shot

"Ok my turn" I said laughing still

"Never have I ever kissed a fan on the lips, in accident" I said and Nash Cam, Shawn, and the Jacks took shots and gagged (idk out of the guys that have actually done that)

"Ok never have I ever cut my foot on a tin can lid" Jack J said and we all died laughing and Cam took his shot

This went on for about another hour and Cam and Nash and I were the only ones that puked

We all cleaned up and went up to our rooms

I checked on Molly and she was still out

She's going to kill me because in 3 days we....

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