Chapter 27

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Matts POV

She going to kill me because in 3 days we leave to go on tour

I haven't told her yet because of everything that has happen but I need to tomorrow because if I tell her the day before she will get so mad

*the next morning*

I got up and walked downstairs and saw Molly sitting on the couch watching tv

"Hey bud" I said and she turned around and smiled

"Hi" she said then turned back around

I sat down next to her and put my arm around her

"Dude when did you awake up? It's 7:30" I said and she laughed

"I've been up since 4" she said

"Um why?" I asked a little concerned

"I couldn't sleep" she said

"You could have woken me up, or any of the guys, or you could have laid down with me"i said

"I'm tired of waking everyone up when I have problems" she said and laid her head on my shoulder

"Molly none of us care if you wake us up, especially me" I said and she didn't say anything after that

I look at her and she was asleep

I heard people coming down the steps and saw Taylor and the jacks

"Guys be quite" I whispered and pointed to Molly

"Have you guys been down here all night?" Jack j asked

"No I've only been down here for a couple minutes but Molly has been down here since 4 because she couldn't sleep"i said

"I don't know why she won't wake us up anymore" Jack g said

"She said she tried of waking everyone up" I said

"Which is dumb" Taylor said and we all agreed

"I still haven't told her about the tour" I said and they looked at me with wide eyes

"What tour?!" Molly asked shooting up from were she was sitting

"Oh uh we go on tour with digi on Tuesday" I said and she sighed

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked

"I was literally going to tell you when you woke up" I said

"How long have you known about this?"

"For a couple weeks now, i didn't tell you because of everything that has happen these past couple weeks but I was going to tell you" I said

"Ok" she said and laid back down

Normally she's so mad and doesn't talk to me but I guess this isn't that big of a deal

"Would you rather go back to sleep in your room?" Taylor asked and she shook her head

"No" she said

She loves her room, and love to sleep in there, I honestly don't understand what is wrong with her

I feel bad saying this but there is always something with her, like either she can't sleep or she won't talk to us or she won't eat or she doesn't want to do social media anymore and personally it's getting annoying

Why can't she just act and be normal?

I got up and went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast

I made pancakes, bacon,eggs and fruit salad

I set the table and got out the milk, orange juice and water

"BREAKFAST IS READY!!" I yelled and I heard a whole bunch of footsteps

All the guys ran into the room and then Molly just came in walking slow

We all got our food and sat down and you could just feel the awkwardness in the air

"Um is everything ok?" Nash asked and everyone just kinda looked at each other

"Ok so what's the problem?" He asked and no one said anything

"Someone please say something" Molly said but nothing

Molly got up and put her dishes away and left the room

Here we go again....

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