Chapter 1

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That was me when I was little at an ice skating performance

Molly's POV

I got up and did my usual

•take a shower
•do my hair
•brush my teeth
•eat breakfast

I walk downstairs and I felt a sharp pain in my back

I fell to the floor and held my back

"Oh come on, I didn't even hit you that hard" Ms.Jones said, she is the lady that takes care if the children, well all of then but me

I get up an wipe a tear that fell

I try to walk away she hits me again, I stumble but don't fall

"Why do you do this to me?out of all the kids, not that I would want you to do this to anyone else but why me?" I asked

"Well you deserve it, your ugly and fat and worthless, and just for that, not breakfast or lunch for you today" she said walking away and I just ran up to my room and cried,

When am I going to get adopted?

If I ever do will the parents be nice?

All of these thoughts were running though my head, I don't know why, I'm never going to get adopted, I mean who would want me?

"All 11 to 13 year old girls down to the living room" Ms.Jones yelled and I ran down there

There were 2 adults, a wife and husband, the wife it probably in her late 40's and the husband is probably in his early 50's

They started looked at all of the girls when they got close to me I was pulled out of line and into the hall

I started getting whipped repeatedly
I tried not to yelled in pain but I let out a yelp

"Shut up before they here you"Ms.Jones said

She kept hitting me and I let oh another yelp and I heard footsteps

Ms.Jones hit me in temple and that last thing I heard was

"STOP" in a guys voice and then everything went black

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