Unneeded Explanations

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Author's PoV:

Feiha followed Ayan out of the classroom, mute and head hung low. She was embarrassed and shook. She was also thankful to him for saving her from making a complete fool of herself in front of everyone.

They walked through the corridors and descended the stairs to reach the ground floor, Feiha's eyes cast downward throughout.  Should I thank him? She wondered. She took a deep breath and looked up, only to be distracted by his broad back.

He was wearing an oversized black tee shirt with matching trousers, that made him look manlier than usual. His shoulders were stretched, his hair messed up by the wind and his hands shoved inside his pockets. There was an air of confidence and coolness around him.

It was funny how she was checking him out with great caution and she mentally slapped herself for it. She found the new feeling quite weird since she wasn't used to it. Surely she had had male friends in her life but nobody had managed to make her aware of their masculinity and charm. She was starting to wonder if she was slowly developing a crush on him.

Feiha didn't realise that they had reached the main gates of the campus, didn't realise that Ayan had stopped walking, and was now turning to her.

His gaze met hers and she immediately cowered, taking a step back as she put all her focus on the ground, suddenly finding the gravel interesting.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Feiha nodded and then cleared her throat, "Thanks for…what you did there."

Ayan sighed. He knew that the girl in front of him already had a lot on her plate. She was stressed and worried and Ayan felt bad for her. "They are not bad people," he shrugged, "it's just that they don't know when to stop."

Feiha said nothing to that. She didn't know those people well enough to comment on his statement. She was just grateful to him for rescuing her.

It wasn't that Feiha couldn't have fought for herself. She was strong and she knew how to stand up for herself but with everything that had happened to her lately at home, she was left disturbed. She was constantly finding it difficult to pay attention to her surroundings as her mind always diverted to whether her father was okay or not. She knew that her mother and sister were capable enough of taking care of him but the negative thoughts were hard to push.

And then there was him. His presence was like a constant distraction. She didn't know why she felt nervous around him. He wasn't trying to intimidate her in any way. In fact, he had been very respectful and had always maintained his distance with her. Surely he was famous and one would expect someone like him, with a pretty face and powerful aura, to have an air of superiority around him but Ayan was nothing like that. He was humble, sweet and overall a decent guy.

"Oh, do I see a new couple in the premises?"

A feminine voice was heard and it broke Feiha's chain of thoughts, making her look up to find the source. She frowned when she recognised the face. It was the same girl who had accidentally thrown coffee on Feiha's feet. She was standing a few feet away, her slender form adorned in a black jumpsuit with a denim jacket over it.

"Don't you dare create a scene here, Daneen," Ayan warned and Feiha turned to him to see his calm demeanour changed into a tense one.

Ayan didn't fail to notice the smile on Daneen's face, one that didn't reach her eyes. It suggested that she still hadn't let go of her grudges.

What did I even do to her? Ayan's brain exclaimed.

"Calm down, handsome," Daneen approached them. Feiha mentally praised how perfect her facial features were. Her skin was literally flawless. "I'm Daneen," she extended her hand to Feiha and the latter hesitantly shook it. "Ayan and I are in the same department. He is my senior and he used to tutor me when I was an undergraduate."

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