~special cookies~

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"Oh fuck off. If I kidnapped you I bet you'd take my pho- Ow, you ass, that hurt."

Carl rolled his eyes. "I barely touched you."

"I barely touched you."

He scrolled through his previous calls, checking to see who she was on the phone to.

"Who was it?"

Cassie gave him a blank stare, keeping it there as she answered: "my priest. I decided to confess all the dirty fantasies I've had about him before I left the country."

Her 'brother' scoffed and stormed out, slamming the door along the way.

The brunette pursed her lips.

Please get here soon.



Cassie called. Morgan and Prentiss get here as soon as you can.

Morgan 💪💪
Is she okay???

She doesn't seem to be in any harm, but they are planning on moving her into another country soon, so we have to work fast. Garcia's finding her location now.
How far are you

Morgan 💪💪
Not too far
Just leaving the shop

Be here soon


"So, how far away are we?"

Emily looked around, and then at her phone, and then at the bags.

"Mm, I'd say about a ten minute walk. Seven if we go at a faster pace."

Derek nodded and grabbed something out of the bag in her hands, popping open the cap and throwing his head back to have some.

"God, this stuff is amazing. Let's go."

The black-haired woman rolled her eyes and grabbed it off of him, doing the same as he did.

"I'd question why it's called 'lust dust' but, then I'd have to question the 'chocolate nips' and 'chocolate tips'"

"Damn right."

The pair started jogging right away after realising they wasted some time.

Not realising they past the exact house their friend was being held hostage, currently fighting the tears trying to go past her eyelids.


A few months ago

The pros

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)
What you guys doing rn

Morgan 💪💪

nOtHiNg Y

Morgan 💪💪
When will you stop mocking me
I said I was sorry

You nearly outed me to everyone

Morgan 💪💪
How can I out u if I never even met u

You know what you did

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)
Let's not
I don't have enough therapy session time to talk about you two as well

Morgan 💪💪
U go to therapy

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)
But hotch thinks I do so don't tell him

What did you want

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)
Wanna go out together
To a place
In real life

Morgan 💪💪
What place

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)
There's this real cool shop
It also has a coffee shop by it
They sell real good cookies

Morgan 💪💪
Im sensing real cool and real good has a special meaning

Does it have those real cool guys in the alley between them both

Prentiss (jj's secret lover)

Let's go

Morgan 💪💪
Wtf r u guys talking about

Prentiss(jj's secret lover)
If u read this at 1 point or another if any of us are ever kidnapped
Don't ever tell hotch or Rossi what I am about to say
There is a store that has odd named confectionery
And there is a coffee shop that sells ✨special✨ cookies
And there is an alley in between where these men sell the stuff in the ✨ special ✨ cookies

Morgan 💪💪
Yeah let's go

Can't wait


"I found her!"

Reid jumped up at the sound of Penelope's voice from the door, a hopeful look now both on their faces.


"I found her. We've got her."

Spencer felt his heart thumping, they've got her.

She's gonna be safe.


Sorry for the long wait. I think next chapter is gonna be the rescue but.... who knows what can happen?

Also, I love Emily Derek and Cassie together.

Thanks so much for reading. I love you all!!!

Unknown- S. ReidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora