CHAPTER : 14 Medicine Completed!

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The commander's sudden declaration of his partner and public display of affection brought a havoc in the entire Wolf's Den.

When the commander left, the remaining combatants started cheering and some started asking all kinds of questions. It was a very embarrassing situation for Zaidie.

Now, wherever she goes, this has became common habit of them. Her friends was worried for her, "When the hell this happened. Can you withstand his pheromones? I mean, I am happy but more worried about you."

Zaidie replied meekly, "Well you see, I told everyone that I applied to learn shooting and one on one combat. He was the one who taught me. I swear I didn't knew who he was at that time and don't have any ulterior motive. He approached me first."

Abel sighed, "You know what catastrophe can happen once his pheromones gets out of control?"

Zaidie nodded. Abel continued, "This can stimulate his mental state and we don't know what will happen then."

Zaidie refuted, "You also know that I was not the one who started it. I do not want this. I don't know what to do now."

"Maybe rejection."

Although Zaidie nodded to that however, she knew that it is not gonna be that easy. His pheromones affect her a lot. She easily submits to his commands as like her body was already waiting for that. It is an omega trait, to submit to his alpha. She didn't knew why it happens but, she is determined to get the answer of this questions

But, as a coin has two faces, along with praises, there were some who felt disgusted with her sight. They whispered unpleasantries behind her back but when she approaches and shuts their mouth, they do leave at that time but not their hatred.

How can someone change themselves from their long lived mentality?
It takes time.

Nothing was in Zaidie's favor so, to ignore that, she indulges herself in her research and greenhouse as, the alien plant Denetia is going to reach it's maturity soon. It is time for her to be prepared. Many essential information and things can be obtained form it.

Zaidie indulged herself that much that she visits her quarters twice a week just to grab a full head to toe shower otherwise, sleeping, eating and all other things are done within her lab and it's mini bathroom.

Dr. Gavin once visited Greenhouse to get report on her and these plants and thoroughly chatted about them. Satisfied with her work, complimented her, "With this attitude of of yours, you'll become a prodigy some day but, it'll be a very thorny path."

Zaidie replied with determination, "The significance of the crown only be intact by the experience it took to clear that thorny path."

Dr. Gavin laughed out loud. He patted her shoulder and said, "You sure have something but happily and sadly, it got discovered beforehand."

He left after saying that.

Zaidie realized that he is happy that she is in Wolf's Den and sad because of her commander's recent activity. Zaidie sighed. She didn't knew herself that why she reacts that way.

'Better do my work, I'll think about it later.'

Suddenly her metal gear rang indicating a face call.

It was Josiah.

"Hey! How are you and your family? I heard about accident at Planet Number 08", said Zaidie with a cornered look.

"We all are fine. Have you forgotten that we moved right before practitioners period?"

She felt relieved. "How are you these days? Is everything okay with RMIH?", asked Zaidie.

"It was hard at first but eventually I got used to it as I enjoy doing it. What about you? We haven't met after finishing studies, how are you?", asked Josiah.

Got captivated by the dying commander after saving him !!Where stories live. Discover now