CHAPTER: 24 Realization

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The injured Greymoss soon got exterminated within a few moments by the skilled combatants. The stronger ones released her and started to escape the scene while protecting the one who was manhandling her.

Zaidie gave them side as to not get in their way. She had already removed that long, rock like substance and blood was continuously oozing from her wound. To stop that, she pressed her wound from her left hand. Soon, she started feeling hot as though she had a very high fever. The continuous blood loss from her wound and now that fever, both were making her weak.

Then, Zaidie heard Kawan.

"Zaidie! Can you hear me?"

Kawan had come leading the force for her rescue.

He sat on one knee beside her putting his gun aside and cupped her face.

"Y...Yes, I can", replied Zaidie laboriously.

"Let me take you to the medical team. You need treatment now!", said Kawan and started to lift her up.

Zaidie, realizing her situation didn't argued but suggested, "I can lean on you. Carrying can put pressure...", but Kawan didn't let her waste time in case of emergency and carried her in such a way that her left side is in contact to him as to not make things critical.

"Now better?", asked Kawan.

Zaidie chuckled lightly, "Yeah."

Zaidie got treated by Dr. Gavin's assistant and when the doctor was bandaging her, she asked, "Why aren't you giving medicine for fever?"

He got confused, "Fever? You don't have fever". He took her temperature and showed it to her, "See, 95.8°F. You have lower temperature than required."

'Strange. Then, why am I feeling hot?', thought Zaidie. She nodded.

"You should rest for now. Keep yourself warm", said the doctor and left.

In this whole ordeal, Kawan was beside her holding her hand in his to comfort her.

"Mr. Wolfie. I am fine. You can go now. It is an emergency. They need their commander. You have already send 2 people away who came to take you."

"Are you sure? I can also work from here if not", said Kawan.

"No. You'll disrupt my rest. I am fine by me."

Soon, as to support her, someone knocked on the door. "Commander!"

"See, they need you." , said Zaidie pointing at the door.

Kawan sighed, "Fine. Call me if you feel..."

"Okay! They are waiting", said Zaidie cutting him off.

Kawan bent down and kissed her forehead, "Rest well."

Zaidie got flustered by his action still, nodded.

The situation that happened a few moments ago was truly unexpected for everyone. They already had wiped out most of the Greymoss's lairs from her. A few near the sea are left which can be wiped in not time and were surrounded very securely so, there couldn't be any loophole.

The thing that happened was beyond everyone's expectations. The city in which they are residing now had a subway which was under-construction before this catastrophe. After wiping out the visible and some hiding lairs, they located their camps here and forgot to check that subway which had one lair left. These Greymoss are coming from it.

Zaidie, after listening to the situation remembers something similar from the novel. That hidden lair caused a great chaos. As it was night time and no one was prepared, they took advantage of it and hit the iron while it's hot.

This sudden invasion resided immense terror in residents. But since it was a small one, it would be taken care by are great warriors in 2 or maximum 3 days.

Zaidie soon fell asleep as a matter of fact as she was tired from working all day.

On the other hand, commanders of all the organizations present there conducted a meeting. It needed to be quick.

First and foremost, they dispatched rescue force or the people who are unable to protect themselves. Second, evacuate the force to vacate the area where are possibilities of danger. Third and last, The Annihilation Force's main objective would be extermination of all the Greymoss in this ordeal.

Sebastian i.e., Dragon Cave's organization are making sure that in this tribulation those lairs that are far away from them don't create any disruption.

Kawan i.e., Wolf's Den organization is in charge of Annihilation Force.

With meeting's agenda being cleared, they all forwarded for their duty.

Zaidie, who was sound asleep is now having a nightmare. She was in same situation as in few moments ago. Those Greymoss's clicking and shrieking felt like death bells to her.

"K...Kawan! Save me!", she mumbled in her sleep.


That strange Greymoss started advancing towards her. Zaidie jolted awake in terror.


She was sweating, her breathing was now in loud gasps and her heart was thumping loudly.

"Sigh! Thank god, it was a dream."

Zaidie glanced at the IV which was nearing it's end. She detached it and headed to bathroom to freshen up.

Zaidie thought that this was insane. How can an incident change a person so much?

Zaidie had a terrible nightmare. She found herself in a grave danger. And, when a person is in grave danger, he calls for those on whom her relies the most.
She was frantically calling Kawan and her mom.

Zaidie is already missing him despite seeing him a few moments ago.

Now, she cannot keep denying the fact that she doesn't have any feelings for him.
Zaidie is now absolutely clear about her feelings for Kawan.

At first, it was a fleeting interest for her. A class for her learning and momentary attraction. She knew that associating with him can be fatal for her but she denied that and still interacted with him and an accident proved that.

But, until then, maybe her feelings for him were deeply rooted within her that even if she knew, things couldn't have been any different.

Yes, she like him. She love him.

Her body was only doing it's work by responding to his pheromone because her heart and mind didn't have any walls for him and to be more precise, they welcomed him.

'Sigh! This is crazy. I am missing him.'

Zaidie stared herself in the mirror, splashed water on her face for a few times to calm down. Suddenly, she started coughing and slowly it got intense.

Zaidie felt nauseous. A bile was forming inside her that started advancing towards her mouth and... "Ugh!"
She vomited.

Zaidie felt released after that as though hidden gates inside her are now open. She might have let this incident pass but a bizarre thing stopped her from doing so. What she threw up just now was- Pitch Black Viscous liquid.

Next Update: Around 23January, 2024

Got captivated by the dying commander after saving him !!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang