CHAPTER: 36 Leave

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Days went by just like that in Wolf's Den. For some they were busy- lazy for others, ecstatic for some- gloomy for others, depressing for some- enjoyable for others and for making someone to wait and in abeyance for others.

You might have guessed which one is who.

On a very fine evening when Zaidie decided to pull an all nighter, a notification caught her attention.

Zaidie went through it and got surprised. It was an overture for volunteering in Deepsea Research Lab.

Deepsea Research Lab opens it's gate once every 2 years for volunteers. Those researchers who intend to volunteer there can come forth and join there. They can help in many ways, whether it be in research or any ground level work. If they want, they can also participate in various research activities the people do in Deepsea lab. But, keep that in mind, it is just volunteer work, not the perpetual one.

Zaidie was in trouble as to how to go in Deepsea Lab, to get answer to her remaining questions, to progress her research and to anticipate the safety measures there for their upcoming ordeal.
A part of her wanted the answers and another was waiting to work in researchers paradise.

It was as if god had heard her plea and is working on it in this way. So, without any delay, Zaidie came forward for it.

After completing all the procedures to be done to go in Deepsea Research Lab, Zaidie was having a conversation with Dr. Gavin.

"I pretty much expected that you'd take part in it. You have been granted permission to go there. It is a 2 week volunteer starting from March."

Zaidie asked "Has the date been released? I remember the date wasn't mentioned in the brochure."

"Yes. It was early in the morning when I was made aware about the date. Anyways, you don't need to get stressed about the preparations, there is still more than a month of time left." Dr. Gavin stated.

"Okay. Then, I shall take my leave. Thank you Sir." said Zaidie and left.

In the cafeteria, where Zaidie intended to have a silent dinner, was interrupted by Kyrie as she got a whiff of Zaidie's plan after reading about Deepsea Research Lab's volunteer work. From there, Kyrie brought everyone of their group and they all chatted about that till late.

At the end, Kyrie made a joke "Although you are going to Deepsea but make sure to take care of yourself and don't get drowned in that."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Upon reaching her room, Zaidie was enquired about an unexpected question from a very unpredicted person, her mom.

"I got to know that Deepsea Research Lab in opening for volunteer work. Are you going there?" instead of greeting or well being, Zaidie's mother, Zaiden got straight to the point.

Zaidie squinted "Just who in the world is publicizing these things to you mom? Forget it, hello mother, I am fine here and hope you would..."

"Don't change the topic Zaidie. Are you going there or not?". What Zaiden just needed was an answer.

"Fine, I resign. Yes, I am going there for volunteer. It is such a great opportunity for me to go to Deepsea Research Lab, the researcher's paradise. I don't want to miss it." Zaidie blurted.

Zaiden sighed helplessly "Why don't you just skip it? Is it that important for you?"

"No, I won't." Zaidie refused.

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