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I was in a better mood now, the past few days have gotten better

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I was in a better mood now, the past few days have gotten better. I started to do my nightly reading again and called out of work for a little while to focus on myself. It's about time.

I am now at the farmer's market looking at the flowers. I love flowers, I always have. Since I'm focusing on self-care at the moment then why not treat myself to a bouquet or two?

"Shopping for an occasion?" The older black lady asked, sitting behind the table. I'm assuming this is her stand.

"No, just for me," I said, picking up a bouquet and smelling it. That probably sounds but I didn't care. What's wrong with buying flowers for yourself? Absolutely nothing.

"If you're buying just for yourself, then I suggest you choose these." The flower lady said picking up a bouquet with dark pink tulips, hydrangeas and some small white flowers. They were beautiful and it was the exact size I wanted. "They compliment you very well."

"How much do I owe you?" I asked, pulling out my wallet, ready to pay.

"Free." She winked, handing me the bouquet.

"No no, I can't possibly take these for free. Let me pay you." I frowned.

"No need, God sent me a message to be kind to someone today. Figured you would be the perfect person." She smiled, shooing me away.

"Thank you, that was so kind." She only nodded and turned on her radio.

We need more people like her in the world.

I decided to make my way over to the fruits and produce section. I planned on making one of my favorite meals tonight, grilled salmon, mashed potatoes and green beans. I could order it but it personally just tastes better when I make it myself.

I grabbed a basket and began my journey to find ingredients.

Taking my time examining each potato to find out which one was the best I finally found one that looked decent. I placed it in my basket, doing the same for the beans. I pay and begin to make my way over to the seafood section for the salmon, stopping when I see Raeni talking to the vendor.

I smile and begin making my way toward her but pause when a girl comes up from behind her, hugging her. I watched as the girl said something causing them both to start dying of laughter.

I felt my heart pang from jealousy. It's such an odd feeling, always coming when it's not supposed to.

I'm not going to let this ruin my day, it's supposed to be about caring about myself. Not for others, I do that enough already.

☆ ☆ ☆

I used a fair amount of seasonings with my salmon, kneading it in. I'm not a fan of overly seasoned food. I've already made my greens and potatoes, I decided to save the salmon for last because it takes the longest.

After kneading, I picked up the salmon and placed it on my skillet. I washed my hands and grabbed a wine glass out of my cabinets. I don't normally drink but Lord knows I need one.

I grabbed the chardonnay bottle that hadn't been touched since I bought it and poured it into my glass. Taking a sip, I felt a portion of my problems go away right then. I need to start drinking more often.

I used tongs to flip my salmon, allowing it to cook a little longer before plating my dinner. After turning the stove off, I immediately grabbed my food and sat on the couch. I hadn't eaten anything but a banana all day and I was starving.

I sat on the couch and enjoyed my dinner while starting a show called ' Criminal Minds.' Maybe it wasn't the best idea to watch this show while eating but it was too late.

Feeling my phone vibrate, I turn it over to see a text from Raeni.

Hey, Can we talk?

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