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hii , this is not required for you to read but I just wanted to come on here and apologize for not updating. maybe y'all care and maybe yall dont but I feel terrible for leaving those engaged in the book hanging.

i didn't realize until i was actually writing a book that writer's block is indeed real. it's hard to find motivation to write and i hate to say it but i hardly tried. i had thoughts that my book wasn't interesting enough or it was taking too long to make my characters actually get together and they were affecting my energy to write.

it was also my birthday recently and i've been more concerned with getting the plans for that out of the way before I started writing again.

also if most of the future chapters are in dahlia's pov , it IS intentional and it does have meaning , i'll try to add as much as raeni as i can without missing anything.

overall , i promise i'll be more consistent with my writing and you will be receiving more chapters soon! i have plenty of ideas and i don't plan for them to go to waste ;).

thanks for reading if you did , i really appreciate it and i hope you have a great day or night. whenever you're reading this lol. happy reading :)

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