Chapter XII

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(AN: I shouldn't have published this, as I had planned it later. But I feel you all deserved it. So, here it is!)

Five months later.

-Personal notes of Owen Smith-

The Fall of the Saderan Empire. Many in Falmart never expected such a turn of events, nor did ever in their minds expect such a thing. But then, it happened. The Empire of Sadera, an entity that has stood for 600 years, a nation with the span of a continent, vanished within just one week. Now, Falmart recognized a new superpower, the Galactic Imperium. And this is not without a cause or out of the blue, as during the last five months, the Imperium has made themselves known and feared by other nations of Falmart. And it all thanks to one person, Governor Piña Co Lada.

Much has changed in the last five months. Piña, with her powers as Governor, did all she could to cement the Imperium's dominance of the continent. Her efficiency in ruling, her just and caring features, her cunning in politics, and her ruthlessness made her a terrifying ruler. The Falmartians called her, the Demonness Governor.

As per her promise, she abolished the Saderan nobility as a whole, leaving only the Formars who have been very much of a help for the Imperium, granting Marchioness Myui Formar special nobility status, and announcing her as Piña's second in command as her assignment as Planetary Leader of Falmarra Prime.

The nobles of Sadera have many to say, in all they are against her decision to abolish nobility. Some have risen against her, which was a stupid thing to do, considering Piña is in total control. She ordered severe crackdowns on those who conspire against the Imperium, with Arbites Judgement Corps dispatched to deliver swift law enforcement and judgment, many of which ended with executions. Many assets and lands are seized, and nobles who rebel are persecuted and left to rot with nothing left to even feed their own. Thus, placing the old nobility under heavy prejudice, under Piñas iron grip.

The Hawks have all been judged and put to trial, the majority are put to life in prison, and they are sent across the Imperium to live their pathetic lives as manual laborers in penal factories. Those who are involved directly in the sacking of the Voglians are sent there to rebuild the Vogliuan villages and towns.

As for Zorzal, he was sentenced to life in prison. No one knows exactly where he was sent. Some say he rots in a penal camp or is subjected to experiments. The important thing is, he will never be seen ever again.

Her tyrannical methods would've made her hated on her own, if she didn't pluck a move straight from Augustus the Unifier's book. Welfare improvement. Public services, emergency services, and full-fledge stratified economy for all. Free healthcare, free social services, free education, and no taxes until economic recovery of the people has been made. She even fulfilled one of her major promises, the emancipation of slaves and the abolishment of slavery. Her actions made her a saint, praises of the common folk outmatched the wail of agony by the nobility.

By orders of Young Master Lucius, Falmarra Prime, the major continent of Falmart is now open for business. And to this day, investors and interstellar businesses flooded the continent, vying to make a business and make the most that Falmart can offer. In a short time, Falmart's economy began to skyrocket to a whole new heights. New job vacancies are made means better livelihood. Better livelihood, means people prosper. If people are prospering, people will be happy. Of course, the Imperium also introduced new ways for the people. To be able to create high-quality foodstuffs, to harvest goods in massive quantities without hard efforts, and to terraform infertile lands into one rich with minerals. In just short months, the people began to sway in heavy favor of the Imperium.

Piña also fulfills her promise to Tyuule. Clearing her name, raised her as a hero of Falmart, and assigned the entire Great Grasslands as Voglian Reservation, assigning Tyuule as Queen Tyuule, Reservation Leader of Voglians. While her decision caused some of the investors to protest, they can do nothing about it but sulk. And with high popularity, the people wouldn't dare to defy Piña for obvious reasons.

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