An Invitation

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Walking down the halls of your mansion was nothing new; maids were sweeping off the dust, keeping up the mansion's maintenance on having it tidy and clean. In the early days of Blade's arrival, your ears would pick up faint murmurs from the servants about his terrifying demeanour. However, the hallways seemed to lessen the amount due to Blade's time here.

He lingers around you like a ghost yet no one complains about it. Getting called to attend dinner, Blade follows. Going outside for a stroll, Blade follows. Resting in your room, Blade follows. Now, you were called back to your father's office, and he followed.

"I'll clean up the tea from the library, mistress." The maid bowed, leaving you with Blade at the front of the office.

Taking a deep breath, you began to wonder what was the reason this time for your father to call upon your presence. Though, your mind began to remind yourself of any upcoming events but nothing yet so far.

"Your father is waiting inside, mistress." Blade reminded you with an inscrutable face.

He opened the door, allowing you to enter the room as your eyes met your father's. Fortunately, your father didn't frown or seem distressed so whatever he said, wouldn't be devastating.

"Good afternoon my child, have a seat. Blade, you may leave us alone here." Your father's tone was sharp as his fingers pressed the ink, forming unknown words onto the paper. Business management as usual you assumed.

Hearing Blade shut the door behind you, you held your breath for a second, scanning the office. The pile of paperwork at the corner that used to be stacks of eight dictionaries was now reduced to roughly three this time. The bookshelves, which used to hold an ecosystem of just dust, are now spotless. The desk at the centre, from scattered paperwork and a few spilled ink, is currently organised that is pleasant to the eye. For that, its overall state no longer made anyone who enters the room cough out their lungs.

Taking a seat on the chair, your father waited patiently, observing your movements till you're seated comfortably. "Good afternoon too, Papa. What made you call for me during your work?"

Clearing his throat, he placed the quilt pen back to its holder.

"Business management, nothing new my dear." Your father said, placing the paper that was in front of him in the small pile at the corner of his desk. "How was your day, my sweet child?"

"Pretty good, Papa. I managed to complete my studies early since I want to become a good business owner when I inherit yours one day." Your back straightened, shoulders pulling back as your hands clasp together. "However, I've decided to relax for today."

"I see..." Your father nodded his head before he narrowed his eyes towards you. "Have the past few weeks been rather troublesome for you?"

You were taken back by his question, recalling your daily routine for the past few weeks since Blade's arrival. So far, nothing at all. Blade was just fulfilling his duties for you. Besides, your schedule just remained the same. You shook your head in response.

"No, not at all."

"Well then..." Your father leaned over, placing his elbows on the desk. His fingers intertwined with each other as his chin rested on it as you started to notice a slight curve on his lips. A silent pause filled the room, causing the anticipation to rise. As a result, your head tilted slightly out of curiosity.

"How was Blade?"

You weren't surprised by this. Undoubtedly, your father was giving you some time to get along with Blade. Though, despite the fact that he mentioned Blade would be your last bodyguard, you began to wonder if he would get another replacement if Blade ever resigned.

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