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Your mind had been churning with questions about what you had witnessed earlier, as it was never what you had expected. The surrounding noise that echoed throughout your ears had become a blur while you allowed yourself to be guided to your destination.

"Blade-" you spoke out, breathing in the remaining air left as the looks of some residents had turned towards you. "That woman earlier-"

"I am certain that her well-being will be fine," Blade's response was instant. The memory of Blade's warning at the mansion has finally seeped into your brain as the idea of being mara-struck alarmed you.

"I understand," you paused for a moment. "But before that, could you please let go of my hand? I can manage on my own,"

As you were travelling, Blade had continued to drag you across the streets in a deliberate manner. However, the moment your voice had reached his ears is the same moment in which his footsteps came to a halt, simultaneously letting go of your hand. His hand had removed itself from you, placing it back to his side to regain his composure after the sudden shift in his demeanour from earlier. From the frowned muscles on his forehead, to the shoulders finally easing back, the tension on his body had gradually softened up.

"My apologies," Blade murmurs softly. His dull crimson eyes, that were covered by a few strands of his hair, had drifted downwards before a sigh had escaped his lips. "It was not in my place to do so."



A knight should not display their assertiveness physically but rather through verbal suggestions only. It was an unspoken rule after all for a servant to drag their liege elsewhere regardless even if the circumstances were unpleasant to them.

Blade's words were in a tone that was sincere, or so you thought. Despite apologising out of courtesy, the memory of the sudden alteration in Blade's expression could not leave your mind. It had only shifted from the moment the little girl appeared right in front of you. And yet, it has plagued your mind with curiosity as to what sort of history he has had with the little girl, to cause such a reaction in comparison to his indifference towards the pitiful mara-struck woman.

"Was there anything that concerned you earlier?" you asked, as your hands proceeded to neatly adjust your clothing. "Did you perhaps happen to be acquainted with that child?"

A moment passed by as your attention had only been focused towards Blade's current demeanour. His gaze had seemed to be avoiding your own, as it appeared he was contemplating his decision to speak truthfully, or so you thought.

"That..." Blade finally spoke out. His eyes had then risen up in a meticulous manner, reciprocating your focus. "Nevermind, mistress. She just appeared to be familiar to me."

"Was that person a friend of yours in the past?"

Blade had only sighed in a subtle manner, which did not aggravate you. He remained still, like a gloomy statue, and his hand deliberately went to rest on your shoulder, not only as an attempt to alleviate the tension you were feeling, but to soothe his own as well.

"She was a friend whom I fought alongside till her end," He exhaled as his gaze removed itself from yours. "Nonetheless, I would prefer to not speak about it. I'd rather have us arrive at the palace on time."

The desire to extend some comforting words had swelled up in your heart, yet you could not find yourself to speak out towards him. You did not know Blade well enough to be certain of offering some sort of reassurance towards his feelings of losing a friend. With the feeling of grief that had possibly fogged Blade's mind in the past, you could not fully grasp the same emotions. Even the thought of your own mother was vague. There was nothing left to grieve about in the past, it could only be but accepted. Indeed, it was not about the person whom you grieved for; rather, it was about pondering how different your life could have been if she had been there.

Forever Yours Truly | Blade x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now