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 Silence was the only thing that filled up your bedroom as you looked around the room. There was nothing foreign about it, just the same architecture that stretched across your walls and ceilings; a comforting luxury further complimented by your furniture made from the most exquisite fabrics and patterns. Sitting back up at the edge of the bed, you slowly glance over to look at your window and allow the morning rays of sunlight to greet your sleepy face. Interestingly, the balcony door did not welcome even the slightest hint of a breeze to dishonour your room. You rub your throat in an attempt to soothe the odd dryness in the air.

"The protection spell must have been gone by now," you thought to yourself, as you swung the door open. To your surprise, however, Blade was not there waiting by your doorway. Perhaps you woke up a bit too early this time.

Notably, the sounds of a cart piqued your attention. Its wheels glided through the hallways in echoed sync with your servant's footsteps. As expected, she has come to deliver your current meal of the day; as expected, your servant greeted you with a smile.

"Excuse me," you gestured towards your servant, before thanking their efforts in delivering your food. "But are you aware, or perhaps know of, Blade's whereabouts for today? Usually, he would be here by now before you give me my meal: I assume that you had seen him last night or this morning."

Your servant shook her head as she entered your bedroom, placing the tray of food onto your desk. "I deeply apologise, mistress. I have not seen him at all. But I have heard from someone else that he appeared to be in a rather fatigued state of condition this morning, peculiarly so from how he normally composes himself this morning. If you are feeling curious, you may as well proceed to his room from the second floor underneath your room once you finish your first meal of the day."

"I see..." Youooked around before turning to your servant, who awaited the next command from you. "Very well, I will head to his room once I'm done with my breakfast."

"As you wish mistress," she bowed before regaining her composure. "Before I dismiss myself, mistress, I have privately received news from the famous Miss Tingyun herself that she has initiated her visit to be scheduled for today"

"Today? Would it not be more customary for her to inform me of her visit a few days prior, rather than announcing it to me on the same day?"

"I apologise for not telling you sooner, mistress, but it was through the usage of advanced technology that she provided me with such a message in secret. However, if this is appropriate, if I may ask, why do you look a bit slightly distraught, mistress?"

Your eyes blinked a few times before focusing your concentration on your servant, who seemed eager to know your thoughts. Steadily, your mind became clearer as you gathered your thoughts from the letter last night till now. That sly woman was indeed correct, you cannot refuse her proposal to meet you in person properly.

"It's nothing," You nodded, gesturing your hand to excuse her. "You may dismiss yourself now."

"As you wish, mistress."


Walking through the hallways of the mansion, you began to wonder to yourself about Miss Tingyun's presence. Had she been so impatient to eagerly present herself in such an urgent manner, just to have a conversation with you and leave immediately? You were fully aware these conversations were meant for the business meetings as discussed through the letters. However, only a few of these letters could have sparked cause for an in person meeting. Indeed, it seems like your encounter from the village has facilitated this urgency.

Forever Yours Truly | Blade x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now