chapter 16

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Two days later


The bell rings and I pack my books and head to the cafeteria.

"Hey Al ." All my friends greet me when I reach the cafeteria .

"Hi guys , how are y'all doing." I say hugging each of them but I kiss Zara's cheeks and hug her.

"Ok guys , so you all know that my birthday is coming this Friday night and that means we have to see our stylists for our outfits. So I think they should dress us up in  one room , what do you guys think?". I ask excitedly because I can't wait for Friday.

"Wow , that's such a great idea , we're so gonna look cute." Lana squeals excitedly making us  laugh at her excitement.

I stop laughing when I see Chris and his minions heading our way and I hear the wooos from everyone at the table as Chris walks towards me and presses a peck on my lips and people in the cafeteria cheer. Apparently me and Chris are the most famous and luxurious couple in St Louis, and people believe if we make it far we'll probably be the most glamorous couple in Geal.

"Hey , llladies."Chris says to the whole cafeteria like he always does when he wants to keep his playboy nature intact.

"Hey Chris" the girls in the cafeteria say while grinning like fucking fools .

I roll my eyes and I look forward to see Ezekiel walking with a girl from his class probably older than us like he is. Ezekiel is in his  fifth year in university and I'm kind of jealous because he's smart and also going to pass all his classes. I see the girl trying to touch him , ugh what  a desperate little bitch , well not little but still a bitch.

Ezekiel suddenly looks in my direction and I give him a little not so obvious smile but he just looks away, maybe he didn't see me , because of he did then he's an asshole.

I mean he wouldn't do that after the way he looked at me on Monday , I don't think I've ever felt so hot before maybe it's the colour of his eyes , but why did a pair of eyes make me wet. I know it's embarrassing and I really tried to stop myself from feeling horny but I couldn't and I feel guilty for Zara .

"Gosh look at that loser ." Lana says and I turn to see that she's referring to Ezekiel. 

"Lana please give him a break." Zara says and i see her looking at Ezekiel as if she wants to be with him. I want to try to go back to our friendship, so 8 should do something.

"Hey Ezekiel, come sit with us." I say loudly for Ezekiel to hear me and I see everyone in the cafeteria looking at me with wide eyes , including my friends but Zara is smiling at me .

I see Ezekiel still standing and I know he's shocked, but he's wasting my time.
"Ezekiel are coming or what." I ask while motioning to Zara with my head and I see him sigh and walk towards us.

"Sit there next to Zara ." I say and my friends look at me because Zara is in the middle and Lana at the end.

"Lana move , or do you want to sit next to him." I say with attitude so they don't see through me.  "Hell no I'm doing that ." Lana says while switching places with Zara. I smile as Zara mouths me a thank you.

... Silence, we just sit there in silence , bit there are looks given to Ezekiel by all my friends and I can tell they don't really like him being here. I look at him and I find him already watching me , and I look away to hide the heat on my cheeks. I look at his direction again and he's still watching me , I feel my heart racing as we look at each other in the silence.

"Baby , how about we go to the janitor 's closet I've missed you , and I know it was just last night, but you're hot so can we go?" Chris  breaks the silence and everyone on the table looks at us with amused looks from the table and I turn to look at Ezekiel to find him look at both me and Chris and he looks down while clenching his jaw probably wanting no one to see him.

"Ooo, you didn't tell us you got laid last night , is that why you ignored the group call , because you were busy." Zara says and everyone at the table start teasing me and Chris. I look at Ezekiel and I see him looking at me with a very unusual look , I don't think I've ever seen him look so... Angry.

Ezekiel suddenly stands up to leave confusing the people on the table, and I find myself trying to hold my smile because I know what he's feeling I've also felt it before, and I like it but I'm not supposed to at the same time . Wow I never thought I would ever see Ezekiel jealous. I feel the butterflies in my stomach as I think about the look he gave me. I smile to myself forgetting everything else. I just hope it's true though and I'm not imaging, I start to feel sad as I think about how I might be mistaken.

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