chapter 18

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It's finally Friday night which means my birthday is here

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It's finally Friday night which means my birthday is here. I've been preparing myself for the whole day that I didn't even go to school.

I look at myself in the mirror just to confirm if I still look as good as I did one minute ago.

"Really Alexandria, you've been looking at yourself every minute and I told you you look good. You know we never disappoint." My stylist Bonnie says but I still doubt it and I turn to look at Tia my makeup artist and she nods with a smile to let me know I'm ok. I check the time to see that it's 10 pm and I know it's time to go. I smile as I think about how in 2 hours I will be 20.

Me , Tia and Bonnie take our hand bags and head downstairs to leave in my car.

Tia and Bonnie are one of my friends , they were best friends oh high school and they said they are taking a gap year and it's been 3 years now and they still haven't gone to school. They're pretty interesting people though and I love them like all my other friends.

We get to the car and I see that Ezekiel is already sitting in the driver's seat looking like he would rather be homeless for a week than be here right now. I'm even scared to talk to him at this point . Tia and Bonnie get in the back seat while I go to the front seat.

"Do you know where we're going?" I ask him but I'm not looking at him.

"And what the fuck are you wearing.?" I ask and I hope he acknowledges the irritation in my voice , because who on earth wears a sweatshirt to a yacht party .

He keeps quite ignoring me and starts the car and I sigh looking forward to this ride.


We reach the destination after 40 minutes of driving. Wow so he knows he just chose to ignore me.

We get in the boat to go to the yacht, and I turn to look at Ezekiel and find him already looking at me, but he quickly looks away , and I look away and hide my smile and my hot - pink cheeks , because he was watching me in secret.

We reach the yacht and the music is so loud , I almost just want to start the party. We enter through the entrance and I start to look around to see almost everyone from our school. I posted the announcement on my insta account and I obviously expected this many people to see it.

"Al, you're here ." Zara says excitedly while running to hug me with her arms open , I smile at her and we both scream while hugging. I pull back and we exchange cheek kisses .

"Oh , I see you've brought guests here." Zara say while looking at Ezekiel and smiling at him while biting her lower lip and Ezekiel smiles back at her , but it doesn't reach his eyes and Zara winks at him . I feel something in my heart as if I've just gotten a heart attack, but mostly I have this feeling to push Zara into the sea, What no , I would never do that to my best friend.

"Everyone the party girl is here! " I hear Lana say while coming my way to hug me and everyone cheers as I walk fully in the party and oh my god , this is amazing, and I see the seduce and destroy room which is for making out , I arranged it without my mother knowing with Zara's help. I see a couple walking in , wow naughty people, but hey who isn't.

We party for a while and I see Chris walking towards me with roses in his hands and he smiles at me but I don't smile back. Everyone cheers as they see Chris hugging me and giving me the flowers with a little box from Chanel .

He tries to kiss me on the lips but I turn my head and he ends up pecking my cheeks. I hear everyone commenting 'aaaa' obviously disappointed because they wanted us to kiss on the lips , and I just roll my eyes and look at Chris and hear me out when I say if looks can kill I would be six feet under.

I whisper in his ear ." Thank you for the flowers, but don't ever try that stunt again." I say and I kiss his cheek while I give Pope my maid the flowers and box.

We all party for an hour or so and I see that Zara is a bit distracted. " Hey Zara , are you ok." I ask in her ear.

"No I'm looking for Ezekiel, I want to spend some time with him while everyone is still busy." Zara says and I feel a pang of jealousy, yes I accept the fact that the feeling I've been feeling all this time is jealousy , but it's not something I can control.

And just as I was thinking about him , I see him standing near the stairs looking absolutely exhausted as if he has been he just finished studying, wow he really doesn't want to be here.

I see him look at me and we hold eye contact and I try to act normal, but the butterflies in my stomach are not doing me justice right now.

Zara turns to look at his direction , but he hides behind the stairway and I find myself trying to figure out what the fuck just happened . Wow did Ezekiel just hide from Zara, but why would he do that?

Zara whines and I look at her . " Where is he , I mean isn't he supposed to be looking for me too." Zara says and I can see the pain in her eyes and at that moment I confirm that she really likes him.

"Zara , can I talk to you ?" Someone tapping Zara's shoulder asks her and I turn to see Lana with a drink in her hand.

"Uhmm sure , let's go." Zara says and they leave .

My eyes move to the stairs to see Ezekiel going upstairs and I follow him because he can't just treat my friend like that in front of me and walk away.

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