chapter 43

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I walk to Alexandria's room with a smile , just thinking about her makes me smile. The minute I enter her room my smile drops. What the fuck is Diane doing here , but that's not what's surprising, what is surprising me is the baby magazine in her hand .

"Oh , hey Ezekiel." She says and I just ignore her and look at Alexandria.

"You told her?"

"She's my best friend, and plus she's the one who bought the tests, so obviously she'd know. "

"You said you bought them online."

"Yeah , but using her account . I wasn't going to expose myself like that , you know how famous I am."

I chuckle at her confidence, and I start to calm down. I walk to them and Alexandria shifts to the middle making space for me. I lie down next to her and she pulls for a kiss and I kiss her back.

"Ok you guys can stop now." We laugh as we pull away.

"Thank you, and before I start , congratulations Ezekiel, I already congratulated my sister here."

"Yeah by slapping me."

"That's what real sisters do , I mean you're about to make me an aunt at 20, how shameful of you. And Ezekiel..."

I wait for Diane to say something but she just looks at me with deadly eyes. Before I know what's happening a loud slap on my cheek snaps me out of my thoughts.


"What Alexandria, someone should do this , if your mom can't then I will and plus you know it's my way of giving you guys my blessings."

"Thank you I really appreciate it ." I say in a sarcastic tone and she smiles before both of them are laughing and I laugh along with them.

"So , me and Al were just talking about the way to change diapers and all."

"Did you learn?" I ask Alexandria and she shakes her head looking sad.

We look at the magazine and read all about babies and parenting. Apparently Diane also knows that we're going to leave after writing our finals . I was worried at first but she told me that she'll also be moving to the same city. I don't like to admit it but I know she loves Alexandria and she's a good friend than most of her 'friends'.

"So , what's left to do huh?" Diane asks

"Well, for me I'm left with breaking up with Zara."

The minute I say that Diane chokes on her drink and I look at Alexandria confused, but she's just looking at me as if she knows why Diane is shocked.

"You're joking right ?"

"No I'm not ."

"Alexandria you're letting him do this. You know how dangerous Zara is , if you don't want to survive with your little boyfriend here , then do tell her."

"What're you talking about?"

"I think you and Alexandria should have this talk without me." She says standing up and she kisses Alexandria on her cheeks.


Diane leaves and I look at Alexandria waiting for her to explain but she just sips her drink as if nothing is happening.

She looks at me and sighs .

"Diane is right , maybe we shouldn't tell her."

"Why , and also what did she mean by she's dangerous.?"

I ask but Alexandria just looks at me.


"Ok fine, Zara is mad."


"She's mad, like she's not alright in the mind sometimes."

"I still don't know what you're talking about,"

"Fuck Ezekiel, I'm saying that she's a psychopath ok. And not everyone knows that other than me and Diane "

"How do you know she's a psychopath?"

"Because of the things she does. Do you want to hear them, I mean if you want to be scared shit , then I can tell you . It's upto you."

I don't even know what to say but I think I need an explanation

"Sure tell me."

"Are you going to believe me ?"

"Of course."

"Well,  me and Diane didn't know that Zara was a psychotic bitch , it all started when she was dating Jordan, but Jordan on the other hand has a crush on Diane. And..." She stops talking while looking at me.

"You don't look shocked.?"

"Yeah she told me , Jordan slept with Diane."

"Oh so you know, but did she tell you what she did about it."

"Yeah she felt heartbroken and left ."

Alexandria laughs at my statement.

"Of course that's the only thing she told you, and let me guess when she was telling you all this she was crying and telling you about her little trust issues and how she doesn't want you to break her heart."

I feel shocked because that's exactly what she said.

"By your reaction I can tell she told you that. Ezekiel she was giving you a warning , and she always used that with all her boyfriends so that she can excuse her behaviour after. "

"Can you now just tell me what she did."

"Ok so , when she found Diane and Jordan she left , but then days after Diane stated getting threat messages from an unknown number , and she would sometimes feel someone watching her. She started being traumatized and that's when she started using drugs more often. She would get videos of her bathing and some videos if her changing. She became so confused because she was afraid the person was going to post those videos and for a while Diane was going a bit crazy because she would get messages written on her mirror or books. That's when Diane started to get messages telling her to leave St Louis and she did. But Zara doesn't know that we know it was her , we just found evidence of her jewelry and her car . She was leaving clues behind. If she were to find out that we know she would kill us."

"And do you see the scar that Diane has on her neck, it's from when Diane found Zara in her  room wearing a mask , she tried to take it off but she just ended up being sliced . That's when Zara left her bracelet while getting away... So I don't think we should tell her anymore, I forgot how she was until Diane reminded me today. She's dangerous Ezekiel and not even her family knows this , no one does.

I try to process all this and she looks at me with a scared look.

"Wow , uhmm ..."

"You don't have to say anything, I know it's a bit shocking for someone like Zara. And I think her parents' divorce is the cause of her mental condition."

"Is that why you asked me if I knew her?" I ask and she nods. So she was trying to tell me not  to trust her , but she couldn't.

"I'm scared now Ezekiel, I mean she's capable of killing my baby."

"Hey , don't say that she wouldn't do something like that to a baby. We're going to be ok. We won't tell her alright?"

She nods and we cuddle and drift off to sleep.

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