chapter 19

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I walk up the stairs and chase after Ezekiel, and god people really need to start using deodorants if they can't afford perfumes.

I see him entering a room and I follow him and I open the door and he looks at me with confusion all over his face , but I just lock the door and walk towards him.

"May I know why the fuck you did that to Zara?" I ask getting straight to the point because I know I have to go back the party.

"Really Alexandria, now? You're doing this now?" He asks and I'm taken aback by his attitude. But I won't let my guard down.

"Yes I am because Zara is my fucking best friend and why are acting like such a dick huh, isn't she your girlfriend too?" I ask him .

"I never even wanted to come to this damn party , but no your mom has to own everyone and threaten them I mean what am I even doing here , I'm literally useless , I don't even talk to anyone here , and it's not about Zara, I'm just pissed right now because I was supposed to have afamily night with my parents and little brother , but I'm here you people. So no I'm not ignoring Zara on purpose, I'm doing it because when I'm pissed I tend to say or do things that hurt other innocent people."

I just stand there and look at him and I start to feel guilty for crying to my mom to let him come , I mean I thought I was helping Zara ... Or myself.

I can see that he really wanted to spend time with his family, since they don't do it a lot. He suddenly walks up to me and he looks at me , he steps closer again and this time I also step closer and now our chests are touching.

He looks at my lips and I don't know what came over me but I get on my tip toes and press my lips against his , and he kisses me back and we start off slowly, clearly unsure of what we're doing. He pulls back our lips making a hot sound , and he looks at me asking me with his eyes if we should continue, and I know it's not right but I nod without hesitation.

But this time he kisses me hard and fast and I slit my tongue in his mouth and I guess I brought the desire inside of him because then he pushes me against the wall and his hands roam all over my naked back to my waist, and I feel like I got electric shocks, but nice and hot ones . He sucks on my lower lip and I take his tongue in my mouth returning the favour. The music from downstairs doesn't really reach the upstairs of the yacht so the room is kind of filled with the sound of our lips sucking each other.



Pope approaches me to tell me that it's time to give Al her presents . I was in the kitchen with Lana after she came to me just to try and gossip about what happened between All and Chris.

I go back to the party and look at the spot where I last saw Al but she's not there and I've been searching for people for the whole night and I'm really tired of , so I go to the DJ to speak with the mic. Al is actually supposed to be the one to be saying all this but she's probably with Chris , because they're both missing.

"Hey can I please announce something , please take the volume down." I ask nicely to the DJ and he reduces the volume and I take the mic.

"Uhmm hey guys , I just wanted to say thank you for coming , but it's time to give presents to our birthday girl." I say and they cheer making me smile.

"Ok so , there's a store room on your left as you can see and there is a beautiful girl there Pope and you guys can give her the presents you got for Al, but other than that enjoy.

I try calling her but her phone just rings but I try again. Because it's 00:00 and everyone is getting ready to officially celebrate her .

The countdown begins but I feel sad that she's not here but I hope she is able to hear us.

"1..0 Happy birthday." Everyone says and the fireworks display in the air and the party continues.



My hands are on Alexandria's waist and I slowly move them to her ass but I stop myself and I move them back up to her waist.

Alexandria probably noticed my little action because she takes both my hands and put them on her ass and I start to pick up my pace on the kiss and squeeze her ass and move my hands all over her ass and I squeeze it again and she lets out a low moan , wait did I just hear Alexandria Martin Luther moan . And it's the best sound I've head all year even if it was low.

As we're still making out there's a knock on the door which makes us jump and pull back from our kiss but my hands are still on her ass and we look at each other while breathing fast trying to catch our breath .

Someone knocks again , but this time they start talking.

"Alexandria I know you're in here, so just open the fucking door." A male voice says and I recognise it as Chris'.

"Shit , go hide in the wardrobe, no no go to the bathroom, come on fast." Alexandria says worriedly and I just look at her.

Chris knocks again but he bangs his hands on the door. " Alexandria don't make me cause drama , open the fucking door NOW." He says shouting and banging on the door

"Go Ezekiel, you know he's not going to leave , and don't get out no matter what you hear or see please I'll explain later." Alexandria says and I quickly go to the wardrobe and hide behind the clothes. I don't close the door fully so I can be able to see Chris.

Alexandria goes to open the door after fixing herself. Chris walks in as if he's running from the police and I can see his eyes roaming all over the room searching for something or should I say someone like me.

"Where's he?" He asks and from the tone of his voice I can tell he's fuming with anger.

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