𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Thankfully, my first class of the day didn't start until noon...which gave me plenty of time to go over my lesson plans, and prepare myself.

I needed to...because I hadn't given it a single thought once I retired to bed last night.

I was a bit preoccupied with another matter...trying to get that damned witch out of my head.

Y/N L/N...what a rare creature she is.

I remembered the day I laid eyes on her for the first time, during the sorting ceremony of my first year. I hadn't given much thought to girls back then...all that occupied my mind was being the best of the best...upholding my father's legacy of being ruthless, untouchable...making him proud to call me a son in any way I could.

Coming from such an esteemed, pureblood family...I had to maintain a certain level of power and elegance in the way I held myself. I had to put pride above all else...that was the Malfoy way. Our pure, unsullied bloodline meant the entire world to us...and a Malfoy couldn't be seen stooping so low as to associate with anyone below us...which unfortunately, was damn near everyone. 

I'd managed to make a few friends....Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise, for example...but associating with anyone lesser was simply out of the question. So, I had to be cold...unwelcoming and unforgiving...shut the rest of the world out in order to maintain my stature.

It was all that mattered. Being feared rather than being loved...setting a standard that no ordinary witch or wizard cold ever hope to reach. 

That's why I was utterly floored by the fact that just a glimpse at that one witch was able to expel the air from my lungs and cause me to forget what the bloody hell my name was for a moment. 

Even as a young girl, she was always radiant. She had vibrant, (h/l), (h/c) hair that framed her beautiful, youthful face...a bright pair of glistening eyes...deep (e/c) pools that looked so enticing you could drown in them. Her (s/c) skin was always so soft-looking, and it radiated a gentle glow like the early morning sun glittering against the surface of the Black Lake. 

As we both grew in age, her body began to change and blossom...her curves becoming more rounded and developed...she was maturing like firewhiskey...a drink so decadent and delicious...but the desire I felt growing for her only burned harshly, leaving a painful aftertaste.

Because I knew that I'd never be able to have her...never be able to taste her. 

She's muggle-born...or a 'mudblood' as my family often referred to people who fall under that category. Associating with anyone of the sort was strictly forbidden in my family...it was essentially the law. I had been indoctrinated to hate her kind...be repulsed by the mere sight of them.

But....I couldn't find a single thing about her that I found repulsive. 

Perhaps that's why I hated her so fiercely. 

The fact I found her so incredibly attractive went against everything I was taught. The fact I found myself dwelling too much on her said horrid things about me as a son of the Malfoy family. Perhaps my biggest fear was being a disappointment to my father...and allowing myself to feel something for a muggle-born witch screamed nothing but disappointment.

So I was cruel to her...I was downright vile, I'll admit. I hated her for merely existing...because her existence alone was enough to throw a spade in everything I had tried to build within myself. 

The more I defamed her, the more I allowed my father's hatred to channel through my veins, the easier it was to cope with the fact that she would never be mine. 

The Viper & The Raven - A Draco Malfoy x Female Reader FicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum