𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

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Merlin's bloody beard....I fucking hate apparating.

While traveling via apparition, you get hit with the sensation of falling aimlessly and helplessly while all your innards get rearranged, although the sensation only lasts approximately five seconds.

Then when you land wherever it is you're apparating to, you just get hit with a sudden wave of nausea, before you finally come to your senses about five minutes later.

I much rather prefer flying on my broom...but Y/N thought it best if we apparated to her mystery destination. I suppose I scared her a bit with my specific flying style...bless her.

So after we used 'Evanesco' to make the tent and all other evidence of our presence disappear from the faerie pools, and after I'd conjured myself some casual clothing to match hers, Y/N grabbed me, and off we teleported to wherever the hell she had in mind.

Once we'd landed, I took a few seconds to get my bearings, working through the brief physical toll that apparition took by placing my hands on my knees and catching my breath. It didn't seem to bother Y/N any though, she was rubbing my back and trying to soothe me. How utterly humiliating.

Finally, I stood up straight, clearing my throat and shooing her away with my hand as I composed myself, regaining normalcy.

"Was my flying really so bad, that we just had to apparate?" I muttered towards her.

She just let out a gentle laugh. "Yes. But more so, I just thought it would save us some time." she grinned.

I rolled my eyes and smirked at her, but then I allowed my eyes to travel around our new setting.

Trees...a very large, dense thicket of them. Thick trunks sprouting from the ground and twisting around one another invasively...countless roots protruding from the dirt and peering out from beyond the grass.

The leaves had all begun to fall from the tops of some of the trees, which stood dozens of feet above us, and that space allowed rays of sunlight to penetrate through the roof of the forest, illuminating the ground below, although a hazy fog rested atop the forest floor and gave it an ethereal feeling.

I know this place...I know it well.

"Are we....are we in the Forbidden Forest?" I asked, slightly panicked as I whipped my head to glare at Y/N.

She nodded. "We're along the outskirts of it, I promise...not too far deep in it. We're safe out here." she assured me.

"Right..." I mumbled, glancing around nervously. "But why the hell are we here?"

"As I said, Draco....redemption." she grinned.

"Redemption for wha-" I started.

Before I was able to finish my words, Y/N lifted her hand to her lips, inserting two of her fingers in her mouth, and letting out a loud, ear-piercing whistle. I just gawked at her in confusion, and we stood in silence for a moment...

...Before I heard the flapping of very large wings...and the loud screeching from what sounded like an extremely large bird...coming from somewhere beyond the treetops above.

What in Merlin's name...

Suddenly, a giant glob of white and gray feathers swooped down through the treetops, and barrelled down towards the ground, where it made contact with its razor sharp talons...and began to charge in our direction.

The Viper & The Raven - A Draco Malfoy x Female Reader FicWhere stories live. Discover now