𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Where in Merlin's name could she possibly be?

I figured after all of Y/N's classes had ended for the day, she'd retreat to her quarters, most likely to bathe or allow herself a nap. That's why I spent the remainder of my afternoon meeting with students and offering some tutoring...figured the poor thing could use a break.

A small one...but a break, nonetheless.

But the sun began setting, disappearing into the horizon behind the highland mountains...dinner came and went, and another day at Hogwarts was brought to a close. I'd gone to her room to speak with her about today and recount everything we'd done... but I found she wasn't in it.

She wasn't anywhere.

McGonagall hadn't seen her, nor had Professor Sprout, nor Hagrid. It seemed she had simply just vanished from the castle.

She is her own woman, first and foremost. She isn't obliged to tell me anything, nor is she expected to sit and wait for me to call upon her every night. She's way too fucking fiesty for me to ever try and institute that rule...I wouldn't even live long enough to tell the tale.

But...given where we stand with each other, I'd at least thought she'd mention something before disappearing without a trace...at least give me some small idea as to where she's gone.

I felt utterly ridiculous for allowing myself to get so worked up over her absence...she does have a life, after all.

But that's precisely why I am so worked up. Because she does have a life...and if she gets caught wandering around by the wrong person, she may not have a life left to live.

Gods...that's such a macabre way of thinking, isn't it?

What I wouldn't give to be free of the anxieties that plague me like the dementors stationed at Azkaban....I detest them. What I wouldn't give to open my eyes one morning, see my (h/c)-haired lover sprawled out next to me...and just know, undoubtedly in my heart...that not a single threat in the world could possibly take her away from me.

What it would be like....to truly believe I can coexist with her, love her without fear...have the life with her I'd always dreamed, without the lingering threat of my death-filled past coming back to haunt me and punish me for my transgressions.

Pretty dreams....wishful thinking. Perhaps one day I'll be afforded such luxuries...but that day is unfortunately, not today.

So as I waited for her to return...show herself...maybe even send an owl....I found myself to be pacing like a madman across the floor of my bedroom. While my feet moved hastily, my eyes stayed fixated on the clock on the wall.

Ten o'clock....eleven o'clock....midnight....

When that clock struck twelve, I thought I might just split apart at the seams altogether. Surely, I've lost my grip on my sanity. There's no rational explanation as to how I was able to sleep under the same roof as the Dark Lord and his disciples for months...and yet, that was nowhere near as anxiety-inducing as having no fucking idea where in the world Y/N is.

The Viper & The Raven - A Draco Malfoy x Female Reader FicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ