II - Blood Rush

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She tries to step back, but he steps forward, trapping her against a wall. Her heart is pounding so hard in her chest that she can barely breathe.

[Y/N] could feel the blood rush to her face as he stepped closer. His words were biting into her with all the sharpness of a whip. His eyes bore into her as if he were trying to reach into her soul and bring her secrets to light. His voice drops to a whisper as he speaks as if he savoured the fear he was inducing in her.

"Do you know what punishment that is?" he repeats, his tone taking on an almost playful lilt. But there's a coldness, a sense that he's not playing at all. She's seen his anger before, and she knows the lengths he'll go to to achieve his ends. And now, she's feeling a dawning realisation that he might just be referring to himself.

"They get punished brutally," he repeats, the words rolling off his tongue like venom. "And you don't want to find out what that means, do you?" He takes another step closer, and now she can feel his breath on her face, as hot as a breath straight from the furnace.

"You don't want me to be angry with you nor punish you brutally, do you?" he asks, his voice dropping even lower, almost to a growl. "You don't want to find out what happens when I'm angry, do you?"

She shakes her head, tears filling her eyes. He's not just playing a game—she knows that now. He's trying to warn her, to show her what will happen if she displeases him. And she knows, with a growing sense of horror, that she's in way over her head.

"But, I'll tell you anyway."

He leaned closer to her face, almost close enough to whisper. "They'll be put in a hole," he says, his voice low and husky. "A hole that's barely wide enough for a body. A hole where it's so small that the individual in question cannot move, scream, nor do anything but suffer."

His words send a shiver down her spine, and the sudden sense of claustrophobia becomes overwhelming. The air started to feel thinner and more complicated to breathe, and her heart rate picked up so fast, as she tried to imagine what it would be like to be stuck in a tiny space, unable to move, unable to breathe. The mere thought of it was terrifying, and she began to tremble. Her breath was coming in short gasps.

"They'll be left there," he continues in a hushed voice, his eyes peering into hers. "Left there for days, for weeks, maybe even for months. They'll have nothing to eat, nothing to drink. They'll be trapped in the darkness, with nothing but the sound of their breathing, their cries for help. And no one, and I mean it, no one will ever come to save them."

The thought of being trapped in such a tiny space, in utter darkness, is almost more than she can bear, and [Y/N]  found herself hyperventilating. She tried to catch her breath, but once again, it made the air feel thinner, and the walls felt closer in. The dread and panic begin to consume her, and she can feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

All she wants is to be free, to breathe fresh air, to see the light of day again. But it seems that this is a fate worse than death, a fate that will haunt her for the rest of her days.

[Y/N] knew that there are people out there who would do that to someone, who would take pleasure in making someone suffer like that.

And he continued his mental torture, his voice growing softer with every word. "And they'll be kept there until they die. They'll die alone, in the darkness, with nobody to comfort them. Nobody to care for them."

Her tears slowly streamed down in her eyes, but she tried her best to hold them back. She doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry, but she ultimately fails.

She tries to speak, to ask him why he's telling her all of this, but he puts a finger to her lips, a cruel smile on his face.

"Shhh," he says, his voice almost a whisper. "Don't talk. Just listen."

He steps back a little, but he never takes his eyes off her face. He continues to talk, his voice low and husky, his eyes fixed on hers. She feels as if she's being drawn into his gaze, drawn into his twisted world.

"Do you know what would happen if you disobeyed me? If you crossed me?" he asks.

He waits a moment before answering his question, letting his words hang in the air.

"You wouldn't like it," he says, his voice almost a whisper. "You wouldn't survive it."

She tried to swallow, but her throat was so dry that she couldn't even manage that. She stares at him, wondering what he's capable of, what he's capable of doing to her. Despite the young nobleman being notorious for his tumultuous comeuppance.

He steps forward again, his hand reaching out to touch her face. She freezes, scared to move, afraid to even breathe as his fingers brush against her skin, and she feels a shiver run down her spine.

"But I won't do that, not to you anyway," he says.

"Instead, you'll be receiving a different punishment." His fingers glide against her facial features from her eyebrows to her nose to her eyes and then halt at her cupid bow.

"30 lashings." He softly smiles faintly as his lips brush against her oral commissures.

i'm a pathetic little fool was all you thought to yourself

a pathetic little fool.

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now