Chapter 80: The Secret Base

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According to Bruce's memories, Iron Man came here after his home got bombarded.

At this moment, Bruce was flying with a high speed at several thousand meters in the air, and he had already activated his tracking and locating system.

These functions came to be because of his armor, after all he had initially downloaded it from Iron Man, and even with his upgrades, it was still similar to the original in many ways.

As long as he managed to find where Iron Man's armor was, he would easily be able to get an accurate location.

Eventually, as the sky turned dark, Bruce finally got something.


Right at that moment, a red dot appeared on the screen in front of Bruce.

Naturally, It was where Iron Man's armor was located, as well as the man himself. Bruce's guess had been correct, Iron Man was wearing his latest Mark 11 Armor.

It was a level higher than his own upgraded armor, however the Mark 11 Armor made this time had been made under different circumstances.

Yet although the details were somewhat different, there wasn't a huge difference in the main aspects. It didn't matter much anyway, as the truly powerful armor was the Mark 50.

That sut had been made with nanotechnology and was vastly superior to the point of not being comparable. As for the other models, they were almost all the same in terms of power, the only thing different was their color and performance.

Now that Bruce had located Iron Man, he instantly activated his armor and headed towards the target location.


The speed of his suit of armor was truly too fast, as it exceeded the speed of sound, creating a huge sonic boom in his wake.

The armor that had been modified by the system was completely different from the armor that Iron Man had developed. Especially in terms of it's material, it was much stronger than Iron Man's armor.

Although the armor on Bruce's body was only 'Mark 10', its performance and power were even stronger than the original.

At this moment, a man wearing a t-shirt was pulling a set of red and white battle armor. This was the armor he had recently developed, but now that its energy had already been exhausted, he was unable to activate it.

Not to mention flying with it, not even a simple activation was possible.

This was one of the benefits of having the system. With the support of the system, the armor on his body had virtually limitless energy, making him not have to worry about it all.

As for this t-shirt wearing man, he was naturally Iron Man, the zillionaire, Tony Stark.

Without the protection and assistance of his armor, he was merely a mortal. Such cold weather had already made it difficult for him to endure, not to mention the mental strength required to drug that armor with him as well.

In this region that was so desolate without anyone in sight, his path seemed endless, as if he couldn't reach the end no matter how hard he tried.


While Iron Man was in a state of despair, he heard a familiar rumble. Following which, he immediately raised his head.

In the darkness of night, a black armor, seemingly like an ice-cold metal that didn't give off the slightest aura of life, stopped in front of him.

Upon seeing the suit of armor, Iron Man naturally knew who he was. He put down the rope in his hand and sat on the ground.

"Was it Fury that asked you to come here? Now you see what a drowned rat I truly am, right?

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