Chapter 82: Task completed

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Even steel wasn't enough to withstand Bruce's punch, not to mention a mere Dr. Killian who had simply undergone a modification with the help of the biological virus.

At this moment, he fell to the ground in pain, leaving only his upper body wriggling on the ground.

"Ah! Who the hell are you?" The red flames on Dr. Killian's body still did not dissipate.

This kind of flame was able to regenerate and reconstruct the body's cells in a short period of time. In reality, this was a different type of regeneration ability that could regrow limbs, hence making it extremely powerful.

However, this kind of ability was also limited. If one was regenerating a severed limb, it would take a relatively long time. So as of now, Dr. Killian had been completely crippled by Bruce.

Killian raised his head to look at Bruce, whose power was beyond his wildest expectations. He was able to destroy his lower limbs merely with his physical strength alone.

"You don't need to know. Mandarin, don't make any unnecessary efforts, you won't be able to escape." While Bruce was talking to Dr. Killian, Mandarin was slowly crawling on the ground, trying to sneak out.

Mandarin was truly hopeless at this point, and that was his only shot of surviving his current predicament. After all, the power Bruce had revealed was not something a 'human' could have.

The Mandarin's face turned pale. After receiving Bruce's warning, he sat on the ground blankly.

The flames on Dr. Killian were burning a bit stronger than before, and his lower limbs were slowly recovering. But, it was impossible for him to return to normal in a short amount of time, no matter much he struggled.

Bruce slowly squatted down next to him, pinching Dr. Killian's neck directly using his hand. The flames produced with the help of the biological virus simply had no effect on Bruce, which made Killian sink even further into despair.

Right as Bruce came into contact with Dr. Killian's body, his information immediately appeared in front of him.


[Name]: Aldrich Killian.

[Identity]: Scientist.

[Ability]: Top-grade fighting technique (200 mb), Extremis virus (energy value: 50), Firearms proficiency (300mb)


Upon looking at his abilities, Dr. Killian seemed extremely weak, at least at first glance. The reason he was so powerful, was exactly because he had the Extremis virus ability, which made him way more powerful than he should be.

It was precisely this ability that allowed the originally somewhat disabled Killian to morph into his current appearance. Although the required energy value was not much, this was still not a bad ability.

During their previous battle, Bruce had obtained a few points of energy value, which was enough for him to download Kirian's Extremis virus.

Such an ability was not very useful to the current Bruce, but what he needed now, were various types of special abilities so he could further upgrade his abilities.

For example, this Extremis virus could completely merge into his God Bloodline, thereby making his God Bloodline become more powerful.

Bruce's current goal was to download various special abilities, so that he could constantly be integrating them into his main three abilities, or perhaps even into a new one.

Regardless, the more abilities he obtained, the more powerful the integrated ability would become. However, with that said, the ordinary abilities were no longer in the scope of Bruce's consideration.

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