Chapter 91: Downloading Quicksilver's ability

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If it were the real and fully developed version of the High-speed movement ability, one could probably even reach the speed of light relying on it.

At that speed, no matter how weak a person's strength was, they would be able to strike out with shocking strength, instantly annihilating almost anything that didn't have enough defensive properties to handle it.

Of course as with all abilities at this level, things weren't so simple. The condition that had to be fulfilled to travel at such a speed was that one needed a suitably strong physical body. Otherwise using that ability would be akin to suicide.

Quicksilver was the perfect example of this, as while he could move at an even faster speed at the moment, he didn't dare do so as his body may just crumble on the spot.

Bruce on the other hand, was very different in that regard. His body could be compared to that of a real god's body, and the maximum speed he could move at was probably three to four times faster than Quicksilver.

With that said, that didn't mean that his body was merely three to four times stronger than that of Quicksilver's. On the contrary, his body couldn't even be compared to that of Quicksilver's.

The reason he could only move so fast, was because the higher the speed, the greater the pressure needed to be sustained, and it escalated the faster one got.

While thinking of this, Bruce decided to download Quicksilver's ability. Although it was defective in its current state, he didn't mind.

Even with the defective version of this ability, the speed it provided him would make his combat power improve by a lot. Without any further hesitation, Bruce started the download.

"Beep, connection successful."

"Beep, the energy value required to download the High-speed movement ability is 3,000 points. Do you wish to proceed?"


"Beep, download complete."

"Beep, congratulations on obtaining the High-speed movement ability!"

The moment Bruce obtained the ability, there was an inexplicable change to his body.

This change was not on a cellular level, but instead it was his telepathy and sensitivity that had undergone a change. He felt as if everything around him had slowed down, to the point where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were basically motionless.

It was only after a long time had passed did he see the two of them slowly blink their eyes once.

During this period of time, Bruce had been able to run a few kilometers and return to the same spot without them noticing anything. This ability of Quicksilver's was absolutely terrifying.

After Bruce took a deep breath, everything around him returned back to normal speed.

"Very good. From today onwards, you two will begin your training," after which, Bruce saw down at a corner and began to familiarize himself with his new ability.

All of his training plans had been written in the document he had previously given them. As for their training, they would supervise themselves, as it was all reliant on their self-restraint.

"Mr. Bruce, you should know that the faster I am the more strength I'll be able to exert. Why are you still making me train my body strength?"

The moment Quicksilver browsed through Bruce's plans, he instantly spotted that and was a little dissatisfied.

He was remarkably fast, and such speed meant that he didn't need to be strong at all. In his opinion, this was completely unnecessary and was a waste of time and effort.

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