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24 - Smokescreen


     I spent the next few days confined to that room, my mind barricaded by anger and confusion. I was in a space all by myself and yet the feeling of being suffocated never left. It was unbearable. I wanted to be outside, feeling the fresh air on my fur and the dirt under my paw. For now, I guess, I would have to settle for strolling around the house and hoping not to run into a certain dark-haired Alpha.

With a deep breath, I took the first step to escape my self-imposed exile. I needed to see Rebecca, to clear my head and maybe go out for a run. The faint laughter and conversations echoing through the house outside had become a distant symphony that tantalized her senses.

I scoured the house, finally coming across Conner and Abigale curled up on the couch with popcorn nested between them as they filled their evening with what appeared to be a Disney movie.

"Hey," I greeted them cautiously, eyeing the animated film with little interest.

Conner acknowledged me with a nod and a faint smile. "Zara," he replied, his voice bearing sympathy and guarded curiosity. I could tell he was surprised that I finally let myself out of the room.

I asked the question burning in my mind. "Where's Rebecca? I need to see her."

Conner and Abigale glanced at each other but Conner's sigh filled the room, weighed by a sense of reluctance. "She's back downstairs... she isn't technically out of... you should ask Haden. He'd be able to bring her up for you."

"Can't you just bring me down to her?" I pleaded.

"I really can't," he apologized, "if anything were to happen..."

Frustration pricked my skin, and I huffed as I folded my arms. A shriek came from the TV and I dropped my hands with a sigh.

"Fine, sorry for ruining your movie," with that and a pout on my lips, I walked down the hallway and down to his office. Rebecca was the closest thing I had left to a family and her friendship was invaluable right now. I gave him the courtesy of knocking before I barged right in and shut the door behind me, not giving him the opportunity to process his shock before I made my demand.

"I want to see Rebecca,"

He was parked behind his disorganized desk and, once he realized I was in fact here, he cleared his throat and blinked before he answered.

"Zara, we need to talk about what happened. You can't just ignore it."

I didn't respond, following my instinct and pushing away the topic and the memory to the back of my mind, focusing on the task at hand. Hesitantly, I took a step forward and hardened my gaze.

"What happened doesn't matter right now. I just want to see Rebecca,"

"Zara," he said, his voice laced with sincerity as he stood from his chair, "I'm truly sorry for how things happened. I should have made it clear before that you mean more to me than I let on."

He moved closer, his persistence not allowing room for anything else, and the tension in the room seemed to thicken with each step he took. My heart raced as he neared, and for a fleeting moment, I felt the pull, the magnetic connection between us that made it difficult to resist. I couldn't deny the flutter of desire, the longing hidden beneath layers of frustration.

But I took a step back and his steps towards me paused, a flash of hurt crossing his face before he covered it up.

"Why are you being so difficult?" he asked.

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