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50 - The Chill Beneath The Char


         The room hung heavy with anticipation as Harley's revelation about Drake echoed in the air. How in the hell was this possible? How could he have even been walking around the pack without being detected?

"How do you know Drake?" a question was hurled at me.

My mind flashed back to when we first met, a chilling night after one of my many fights with Haden. The conversation was casual, and he spoke so calmly as if he belonged.

Then he kidnapped me.

The term knowing Drake didn't seem to quite cover it.

"How do you know Drake?" I threw the question back at Greyson, narrowing my eyes at him. I didn't miss the looks being shared between him and Harley. They definitely knew something.

"It's not good manners to answer a question with a question," Greyson sneered.

I raised a brow. "I know you're not coming down on me about bad manners."

"Just answer the question," he snapped.

"I don't know Drake," I clarified, "my brother Luca knows him better than I do. He managed to reunite us as we were coming back to the pack."

"I didn't know you had a brother," Harley voiced, her brows furrowed. "Why would Drake bother with reuniting you with your brother? He wasn't one to do favors unless it served him."

"We had been separated since we were children; after our parents were attacked by the Rogue King. We couldn't have been more than –"

"I'm not interested in the sob story," Greyson interrupted, "what does this reunion have to do with Drake?"

I glared. "If you only let me finish and stop being a prick then maybe you'll see."

Greyson didn't care, he simply continued his speech. "Drake only cares about power and control. He isn't going around frolicking in a field of daisies and reuniting loved ones. Drake is only interested when power is involved."

I opened my mouth to snarl at him, but Haden gripped my hand and said, "In this, there is power involved. Zara and her brother, Luca, are both the children of two Alphas."

Shock painted Harley and Greyson's faces as they slowly turned their gaze toward me, their eyes glazed over with curiosity. Once the words fully registered, Greyson cursed repeatedly under his breath as he turned his back to us, with Harley taking a more composed approach as she took two steps toward him.

"It might not be what you think it is," Harley said.

I glanced at Haden, and we both shared a look of confusion, wondering what they could have up their sleeves next.

"You know that's exactly what this is!" Greyson growled, his fists clenching and unclenching.

I glanced behind me and saw that we were all wearing confused looks on our faces.

Haden must've noticed the same because he demanded them to clarify. Greyson, in a display of frustration, slammed his fist against the wall.

Clearly, he wasn't going to be the one to explain.

Harley sighed. "Drake was a power-hungry psychopath, driven by an obsession with power. He wanted to have it all and he did," she paused, glancing at Greyson behind her, "Years ago, Drake manipulated Greyson and his younger brother, Hudson making them believe that they could share the Alpha title by splitting the pack in two. It would have been the first pack to be ruled by two Alphas."

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