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38 - Frost That Kills The Flame


      The icy glare I received from Haden when I barged into his office and interrupted his precious phone call didn't bother me. Not when I had one objective in mind. My eyes were pinned on the device on the desk, hearing Alex's voice through the speaker.

"Well, if it isn't the lovely Zara," Alex, always the charmer, responded. "What can I do for you?"

Haden gave a throaty growl which I chose to ignore, smiling at the phone.

"There's a lot of things that you could do for me, but right now my mind is on one. Feeling a little mischievous?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm always up for a little mischief," he played along, chuckling to himself.

"Amazing," I exclaimed, looking pointedly at Haden as I continued, "I'm in a bit of a pickle here with your brother and my brother, Luca."

"I wasn't aware you had a brother,"

I sighed. "Long story, but he's an Alpha in his own right, and Haden so graciously gave him and his friends lands to reside on –"

"A decision I'm regretting with every minute that passes," Haden murmured as he sunk in his chair and wiped a hand over his face.

"The point is!" I glared at Haden, "The point is, Luca is an Alpha by blood and I'm being told that you're... well the family you're in now, they would give the official order on him being an Alpha."

Alex cleared his throat. "Well, there's a bit of a process that goes into that and the final documents get handled by the Queen herself."

My brows furrowed.

"Wouldn't that be a King type of thing to do?"

Alex laughed. "Let's just say the Queen prefers to handle newly established herself. They still joke about that, but the King prefers to lose that battle. Happy wife, happy life, right Haden?"

"Enough of this, you two," Haden scolded, glaring at me then at the phone. "Alex, I need you to look into something for me."

As Haden updated Alex about Abigale's findings with the Rogue King, along with some mention of a 'Sun God', and I was about to walk away but Haden latched on to my wrist. We shared an intense look, one that didn't stop him from explaining himself and the situation at hand. Huffing at him, I sat on the edge of the desk as I listened to him voice his suspicion about some northern pack that they previously talked about and their possible alliance with the Rogue King.

It didn't surprise me that a man like that had allies. He was a ghost, and if you were a rogue, you either hated him or looked up to him. The man was a monster. I wish I knew what pack they were talking about. After I fled from the tragic death of my parents, I found my place in one of those god-awful packs with a ruthless Alpha. It was the foundation for my loathing of all Alphas. It's also where I met Mason, so I guess there was some good in being raised in that pack.

"Thanks, bro. Keep me posted," Haden concluded before squeezing my hand to grab my attention. His eyes, intense and focused, met mine as he rubbed his chin.

"My mate," he uttered, the weight of his gaze drawing me in, making it clear that our previous discussion was far from over. "So stubborn, so naive."

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief, pulling my hand away from his.

"We're practically in a war and you're concerned about whether your rogue of a brother has a title or not?" he retorted, shaking his head as he leaned back to stare at me coldly.

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