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44 - The Fire Turns Grey


       "You truly are an asshole," Haden muttered as he opened the door for Alex, annoyed by the intrusion.

Grinning widely, he slapped his brother on his shoulder and said, "The best kind, brother. Besides, you do know there are at least six bedrooms in this house right? Find one."

"I'll find one the minute you go back to London," retorted Haden. "When is that again?"

"Jeez, I just got here and you're already shipping me off. You see what I had to grow up with, sweetheart?" Alex playfully asked as he turned to the woman walking in behind him.

She was stunning. Her skin was touched by snow, and her hair was a rich cascade of chestnut brown, falling in gentle waves around her face. She stood tall and elegantly, with a smile that shone brighter than the sun.

"Oh leave your brother alone," she teased, her British accent immediately recognizable. She enveloped Haden in a warm embrace. "It's good to see you again, Haden."

"You as well, Princess Elizabeth," Haden wrapped his arms around her then his brows knitted together making him pull back. His gaze moved to her stomach then back at her and her brilliant smile widened.

"Are you ready to be an uncle?" she grinned.

Haden chuckled and grabbed her back in an embrace. "Congratulations, Liz. I'm sure you and your family are ecstatic."

"Yes, well, mum took it very well. Dad on the other hand had to get his mind around the thought of his baby girl growing up," she said before her eyes turned to look at me. "And who is this beautiful woman?"

Haden smirked.

"Elizabeth, meet my mate Zara. Zara, meet Princess Elizabeth."

Elizabeth's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she quickly composed herself with a gracious smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zara. Alex has spoken highly of you."

I turned to Alex who wore a sly smile and shrugged.

"You know I'd never say anything bad about my future sister-in-law," he said with arms raised innocently.

I chuckled at Alex's playful remark, appreciating the easy banter within Haden's family. Elizabeth's smile remained genuine, and her demeanor exuded a warmth that made it easy to feel at ease in her presence.

"Zara's been a wonderful addition to the pack. She's strong, resilient, and fiercely loyal to those she deems worthy of her loyalty," Haden voiced as he placed a reassuring hand on my lower back.

We shared a look and I couldn't help but smile up at him.

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Sounds like quite the impressive mate you've found, Haden."

He nodded, a proud gleam in his eyes. "Indeed, she is."

We made our way to the kitchen and I couldn't deny how easy things felt. I don't know how to describe it, I just felt... at home. Elizabeth shared a few stories from her royal life, and I found myself intrigued by the concept of a 'Royal Family' for werewolves. Rogues didn't exactly abide by the rules, so it was interesting to hear her talk about her responsibilities and how the Crown often offered to aid wolves in need.

"Alexander was telling me about your tragic childhood and I must say, it's heartbreaking to hear," she admitted and I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. "My parents helped thousands of wolves that were affected by the Rogue King's attacks, so I just wish they were there to help you too."

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