Chapter 1

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He stood tall as he addressed the crowd, his lips tugged slightly at the corners as he looked at his pack with pride. He had just returned from war with some of our upper-level warriors. It wasn't our battle to fight, but they had agreed to fight with an ally as they expected the same if something were to happen here.

At least, that's what my father had told me. My father was a floating wolf, something they tended to call people like our family. Wolves that people in our pack paid no attention to because our existence in the pack wasn't significant enough as some of the high-ranking wolves.

The only thing they knew was their rooms were clean and they always had food to eat. The good thing about it though, was that no one noticed us, so we were rarely mistreated unless seen.

The pack we lived in was considered one of the largest packs and one of the most feared because of our strength and numbers. We were known as the Northern Shadow Pack, a name that most packs knew, respected, and often begged for an alliance due to our aid in war.

Our Alpha had returned after spending months fighting a great battle between two packs on another continent. I wasn't able to gain a lot of information about it, but I did know the fight wasn't an easy one. The defeated pack, Silver Lantern, created a massive upheaval and they wouldn't back down.

I was hidden behind a curtain, as I was a mere servant floating wolf with my mother in the kitchen, and servants in the packhouse weren't allowed at most meetings unless it was vital enough. There weren't many of us, so it didn't take away many numbers in the crowded space. We were only two families. The Hamiltons and my family.

I was taking a small bathroom break from making all the food for the celebration tonight in honor of our Alpha and the warriors who fought when I stumbled upon the room. This was the first time I had ever seen him since I was a child, but the connection I felt towards him the second I set eyes on his hard frame was most definite.

In an instant, he must have felt my eyes, his head whipping in my direction in one stiff moment. I jumped back into the curtain and escaped through the small door I had came in. I made it out into the empty hallway, a few meters away from the door.

I wasn't able to get the best look of him other than his forest green eyes, but I had no doubt he was handsome. I placed a hand over my racing heart, closing my eyes. A smile pulled at my lips, a newfound excitement bubbling inside of me at the thought of finding my mate.

Then, I really thought about it. He was an alpha. My Alpha. I heard the door to the meeting room swing open, hitting against the wall. I jumped into the nearest hiding place I could find. It was a small supply closet. I would be in so much trouble if someone saw me. We weren't supposed to be seen, especially by higher ranks or there would be a punishment. We were called floating wolves for a reason.

"Where is she?" I heard his rich velvet voice growl. I pushed my fingers into the wall, my breath picking up speed. "I know she's here."

I knew he would find me. My scent would be strong enough to lead him here. I had caught on to his as well. The scent of fresh lemons and pine entwined swarmed my senses, making me tremble at the intensity. It was stupid for me to hide in the first place. I guess, all in all, I just wanted to buy some time before he actually met me in fear of the possibility that... he might not want me.

It wasn't impossible for Alphas and servants to mate, but most Alphas were paired with other Alphas or another related status judging from what I gathered around the pack. That's what he wanted and what he expected. That was the only way he would get strong pups to take over the pack and continue his legacy. I wasn't sure if I was capable of that.

I wasn't sure if I was capable of even being a Luna. All my life was spent in the kitchen serving food for the pack. I never was allowed to train to fight. I would be a liability.

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