Chapter 2

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I took in a deep breath and began walking to the door where the meeting was. I was in my best dress, a flowery white one my mother sewed for my birthday, and my mother even curled my hair.

Just be yourself, is what my mom told me. He'll love you.

The door was wide open and the room was overflowing with young girls chatting and giggling. They were all breathtakingly beautiful. I tugged at the bottom of my dress nervously before hiding myself in a corner. I could hear the girls whispering as I walked by. The room growing quiet.

Is that a floating wolf?

What's she doing here?

She has no chance of being his mate.

A girl with long brown hair and blue eyes approached me, obviously one of the higher ranks. I grew nervous, cowering back like a snail in its shell.

"If I'm not mistaken, dear, you're not allowed to be here," she spoke sarcastically sweet. Gripping my arm roughly she yanked me forward and leaned closely in my ear," So, I suggest you leave before Alpha comes and whips you."

I could feel all the glares aimed at me. Looking down, I moved towards the exit, my body trembling. How could I forget the punishment for being seen without permission? I nearly sprinted towards the door. This was a huge mistake.

I made it into the hallway and looked for the nearest servant's exit.

"Hey! What are you doing out?" I heard someone yell behind me. Beta Jax.

He grabbed me, turning me to face him. I bowed my head quickly. My heart thumped loudly in my chest. I was beyond scared. I was terrified. My body trembled as he pulled me closer to examine me.

"She's a floating wolf," Lilo, the Alpha's little sister, spoke beside him. The two of them were mates, much to the pack's joy. I remember hearing all about it in the kitchen.

"I see that," Jax replied, nonchalantly. He tapped the top of my head. " Hey, look."

I slowly moved my head up but still avoided eye contact. I was in enough trouble as it was.

"Marielle, right?" I nodded.

Lilo sighed," We're not going to punish you or anything. Just go before my brother sees you. He won't be as lenient."

I nodded again before running to the servant exit and collapsing in the halls. All the anxiety and fear of the whole disaster piled up in my chest. What was I thinking?

I laid my head against the wall, letting my tears fall down my face. The moon goddess made a mistake. I would never fit in as a normal pack member much less as a Luna. I brought my knees to my chest. I wished this could all be easier. 

I don't know how long I sat there before I finally got up and made my way to my room. When I got there, my brother and sisters were sitting on the bed playing some kind of hand game. They looked up at me simultaneously.

"Mother told us you're mated with Alpha Rowen," Karter states simply, his voice slightly curious.

"Yeah, please tell me it's true!" Raegan yells excitedly, bouncing.

"Hush," I shush her, my cheeks burning red. "Yes it's true."

"I told you," Millie smirks, crossing her arms. "So, I'm assuming you guys met at the meeting tonight?"

I hug my arms close, trying to push back the tears. I closed my eyes," I didn't go."

They layered me with a million questions but I put them at the back of my mind and curled at the top of the bed. Waiting for the day to be over once more.

Sleep didn't come easy that night, my mind swarming with thoughts of those green eyes. What was he thinking now? Was he even awake? Did he ache for me as much as I did him? If I didn't have a foot nearly in my mouth, I'm sure I'd be tossing and turning.

If only life wasn't this complicated. If only I wasn't a floating wolf and he wasn't an alpha. If...If only I wasn't his mate.

The memory of falling asleep was foreign to me. When my eyes met the ceiling, I realized I was all alone. I sighed, my body refusing to move. A tray caught my attention at the side of the bed. It held a plain slice of toast and a tall glass of orange juice. A small note rested in front.

Come when you're ready ~ Mom

A small smile graces my features as I sit up, resting on the headboard. I try my hardest to push away any thought containing Alpha Rowen and focus on eating my breakfast. I don't have an appetite, but I force it down anyway. I hated how much my life had changed in just a couple of days. I should have never stumbled upon that meeting.

After trying to make myself at least a little bit presentable. I escape my room, looking for my mother and sister. The time was close to noon, meaning they would be finishing setting up for lunch. I found myself outside the dining hall, the voices of my family faint but audible through the wooden door. I was just about to join them when my mother's voice stopped my movement.

"Please forgive me, Alpha. I wasn't aware of your arrival." My mother's voice trembles.

A shiver ran down my spine. Oh no, oh no, oh no, I thought to myself, my eyes squeezed tight.

"Tell me, who else was here with you?" His voice thunders through the room, bouncing off the walls.

"I'm sorry, but it has only been my daughter and I. There has been no one else."

I creep the small door open, careful not to make any sound. I could see my mother and sister, heads on the floor as they rested on their knees. Towering above them was Alpha Rowen, his weary eyes turned towards the ceiling and his hands closed in tight fists. It took everything in me, not to rush through this door and grab his hand. Show him that I've been here this whole time. But I'm too scared.

I'm a coward.

"Please do not punish my daughter," My mother whispered, her eyes shut. "Do as you wish with me."

Fear bubbled inside me, as I remembered the punishment. The one we were bound to no matter the circumstance if it be the will of those who wield the power to. I prayed that my mate was a merciful man. It was my scent that led him here.

He didn't respond, only further deepening the frown shaping his features as he spoke to himself. "It feels like she is right here."

Mom nor Millie dared to speak again as they anxiously waited for their fate. The Alpha paid no more mind to them, though. His focus was Well, the thought of me, more so. It should be impossible for him to see me, even if he was an Alpha. Every secret door was well hidden from the naked eye. Not even the Alpha family knew of them. It was to protect the little right we had. Our own freedom to move about without fear of running into those who held higher ranks.

"I'm sorry to disturb you." He spoke abruptly, snapping out his gaze.

In a mere second, he had disappeared as if he had never even been there. My mother let out a sigh of relief while my sister pulled herself off the ground.

"Well shit," Millie breathed," That was scary. You can come out now, Mari."

I pushed through the door, running to my mother and pulling her into an embrace.

"I'm so sorry," I couldn't stop my voice from cracking.

"Don't cry, baby, we're okay," my mother reassured me, kissing my forehead.

I felt Millie wrap her arms around the both of us. I relished in their warmth. I was realizing what my future would hold. Things would never be the same.

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