Chapter 6

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I hovered my hand over the service door. It was a simple task to open a door. I've done it a million times. Even small children can do it, so I can, too. Can't I? I chewed my lip nervously, the bitter taste of blood on my tongue. He wasn't even here and I couldn't even step in his room.

I need to get myself together.

I squeezed my fist, remembering what my mother told me. He hasn't been here, so there shouldn't be much to do. I only ensured everything was in order before he returned home today. In and out. I took in a deep breath before pushing the door open.

Let's get this over with.

His room was the same as the last time I was here. There were little tweaks like the arrangement of furniture, but nothing else had changed. His room held a simple design of all black furniture. A neatly made bed sat in the middle of the room, appearing small in the large space. Truthfully, his bed could swallow ours whole. Unfair, considering I woke up with toes up my nostrils, but at least we weren't on the floor, I guess.

Well, most nights.

Sometimes, I really did end up on the floor.

My gaze landed on his bed again. Images of the two of us entangled together swarmed my mind. His bare chest beneath my fingertips. His soft lips on mine. The thought alone was enough to raise the temperature of the room to a thousand. I peeled my eyes from the bed, trying to ignore the unfamiliar, and very uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

I craved his skin on mine. I wanted-


I reeled my thoughts in, reminding myself I needed to focus. I was already melting in a puddle from this suffocating place, and I had only been here for a few minutes. Everything smelled of him and I was tempted to steal something, or everything, and take it back home with me.

I'm turning into a crazed wolf.

I checked every inch of his room. I made sure there wasn't a speck of dust on the surfaces and that all of his clothes were neatly folded and organized. Millie had worked here before me, and she was always really thorough. There were only a few things that were out of place here and there, but I made sure to go over everything again in case. My entire family would be blamed, and I didn't want to cause them any more trouble than I already was.

A velvet square drew my attention on one of the bedside tables. I had never seen it here before. I gently picked it up, my fingers tracing the soft material that covered the box. My thumb stopped at the small crack that separated the two halves. I was tempted to open it. I was sure whatever lay inside was breathtakingly beautiful.

I froze when I heard rattling from behind me, dropping the box back in its place. I looked at the alarm clock on the table in front of me. I got distracted. I stayed too long. I cursed myself, angry that I found myself in this situation again.

Dread overtook me as I shot for the service door. I had one obstacle in my way. The bed. If I hurled myself over it, would I make it? Judging from the size of it, definitely not. I didn't have enough time to run around it and that left only one option.

I scuffled under the bed as the sound of heels began clapping against the floor. I resisted the urge to growl at the thought of another female in my mate's room. My wolf wanted to fight, but I knew that would only end in a disaster. A normal wolf would be harshly punished for attacking another pack member, I'd be killed.

Why was she here in the first place? He wasn't here yet.

My heartbeat raced in my chest as her shiny black shoes stopped right by my hand. The room was eerily quiet as I anticipated her movements. It was like I was in a horror movie. There was nothing to hide my presence other than the furniture above my head. A weaker wolf might not be able to detect my presence, but I felt the power radiating from her. She was no ordinary wolf. I found myself pleading to the moon goddess to get me out of this as she had done in the past.

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