Chapter 7

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I wobbled to the kitchen, wincing at my aching bruises. Luckily, intentional or not, she didn't inflict too much damage. Some of them were already healing.

Rae was chilling on a bar stool. Her nose was scrunched in concentration on what she was drawing, and her pencil dangled from her mouth. Next year, she'll start her training to work with us after school. For now, though, she could spend her afternoons as she pleased. That was usually spent here.

"What's that?" I wondered, trying to hide my limp as I moved to sit down next to her.

She glanced up at me slightly before returning her gaze to the sheet of paper.

"An apple."

"That's boring," I mumbled, sliding into the seat next to her.

"You wouldn't understand," she rolled her eyes," You can't even draw stick figures."

"They're just a little asymmetrical," I defended, laying my head on my hand.

"I thought you were trying to draw a butt with legs."

I scowled at her, grabbing the list to see what else I had to suffer through today. I would be grateful if it were something simple like making the salad for dinner tonight. I just had to toss lettuce in a bowl.

"Did you get in a fight?" Rae frowned, her eyes never moving.

"I did," I admitted with a curt nod. Not like she was looking.

I could be naked and she wouldn't even notice.

"Did you win?"

"Would you believe me if I said yes?"

She froze in thought before shaking her head.

"You're right. Dumb question."

I decided not to take her faithlessness to heart. I did get my tail handed to me today. I don't even think she broke a sweat. She was more concerned with her new manicure than any blows I was giving.

At least, I managed to piss her off a bit.

I stood up and sat the list back down, patting Rae on her back.

"Where you headed?" She wondered, her attention finally on me.

"To plot evil schemes."

"Don't get hung for treason."

"I appreciate the concern," I answered cheekily, slipping back into the corridors.

"Have fun cleaning bathrooms!" She called sarcastically after me.

I hope her pencil breaks.


I wiped the sweat off my forehead, smiling at my reflection in the shiny glass mirror. As bad as it sounded, cleaning bathrooms weren't always awful. That is if my fellow pack members were gracious enough to clean up after themselves. It was a rare occasion, but it did happen every now and then. I fell on my butt and let my head fall against the wall behind me. I had been working nonstop since I started.

My eyes fell shut as I allowed myself to rest. Just for a few minutes, I told myself.

"For a floater, you're awful at hiding."

A shock of terror ran through me. I jumped up quickly, my eyes snapping wide open to see where the voice came from. I sighed in relief as Alana came into view. She stood before me with her arms crossed over her chest, her long black hair pulled in a tight ponytail. I winced at the cold glare she sent my way.

"It's 8:15."

I sucked in a deep breath nervously, avoiding her gaze.

"I'm so-"

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