Chapter 11

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The next day, I worked quietly with Millie in the Grand Hall, handling the finalizing details for the night. I had worked on this event so many times, but now it was different. I wouldn't be spending the night playing board games with my family. I was attending this time with the rest of our pack members.

"Mari!" I jumped at my sister's voice.

I blushed realizing I was about to drop one of the center pieces on the floor. I gently placed it in its place, cursing myself for not paying attention.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She wondered with concern, coming to my side. "You don't have to help if it's too much."

"No," I refused, shaking my head. "I want to help you."

She looked like she wanted to argue with me, but she just shook her head, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Let's get to it, then." She squeezed my hand.

I tried my very best to focus on our tasks, so Millie wouldn't render me useless and send me away. I wouldn't be able to handle waiting around in my room anticipating through the hours while I did nothing. At least this gave me an excuse to run away from my thoughts. They were always my biggest enemy.

A couple hours flew by fast and before I knew it, Mrs. Hamilton and her daughter, Violet, arrived with foreign workers from another pack. We always got a few extra hands on the final day from our pack's closest allies. They didn't have floater wolves in their packs, so it was mostly omegas who volunteered to help us before they too would attend the ball. They were always very friendly, so it was always nice to work with them and interact with people who treated us as living beings.

"It looks outstanding, girls," Mrs. Hamilton beamed.

"Thank you," we chorused together and I returned her bright smile.

"We can take over from here. I'm sure your mother already informed you that you're free for the rest of the day."

"She did," Millie confirmed.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your night, ladies," She said with a nod.

We left through the service door and out into the hall. My eyes wandered to the clock on the rocky wall. My stomach grew in knots as I saw time was inching closer and closer to 5. It would be time in only 45 minutes.

"Are you hungry?" Millie inquired as we walked side by side.

I shook my head in response to my nauseating stomach. I hadn't been able to eat anything all day and I don't think I would until tomorrow when the night was done and over with. If it weren't for Alana, I wouldn't have gotten much sleep either. The pill she gave me dove me into a deep sleep, leaving me last to wake up this morning. My siblings had tried to wake me apparently, but I didn't even flinch with a feather tickling my nose.

"Could you stomach some tea?" she offered, squeezing my hand lightly," It might help you relax."

I didn't think anything could help me relax, but I agreed to her request anyway. I knew it would make her feel better if I did and I was already grateful she wasn't pestering me much about my lack of appetite like the rest of my family.

"I'll grab it for you. How about you go take a bath before Alana arrives."

I went to the bathroom and turned on the faucet, taking in a deep breath while I waited for the water to fill. My reflection drew my eyes to the mirror and I noticed how much I had changed in such little time. On one hand, my body grew slightly toned with muscle and I was proud of the faint scars that covered my skin, even if they would quickly fade. However, my eyes held a sense of anxiousness and insecurity that haunted me day and night.

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