31. Jungkook's past 1

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Jeon Jungkook pov :

I was very young when my mom, dad died. They were poor but they were so kind to people. They might not able to give me many toys or clothes but they give me lots of love. They protected me from the world and shield me from every evil.  But one day they were gone. I was too young to understand what death means. My custody was given to my long distance aunt. Suddenly I was thrown into another world.

 Where I get beaten up from every mistake I made.

 I got bullied when I hadn’t even done anything 

My aunt beat me starve me and punish me. She hit me when she was angry, she hit me when I hadn’t earn enough for her, she hit me when she feel like it. She said I was a useless piece of shit that should have died with my parents. Her boyfriends also did the same for me. At that point I was used to it, my body was always filled with blood,  bruise and sometime with broken bones. 

I did try to run away but the consequence was terrifying. When I was in high school I thought I might not get at least bully here like middle school. But little did I know that another hell was waiting for me 'Jung Hoseok'.  He was my my biggest nightmare in high school. 

School bullying can get this extreme only known by the people who has endured this. 

Everyday I feel like dying. I forget what it has to feel like a human. I always question myself what It's feel like to be a human.

Hoseok has not only torture me physically but also manipulated me to kill myself. Once I accidentally bumped into his desk, he stabbed me all over my hand and back with his pen no matter how much I begged on my knees he never stopped . He said I should die if I can't endure this. 

I still have those stab mark on my back.

When people think getting beaten up hurts then they should experience hunger. I know the pain of being hungry. I had to work few part-time jobs, all the house works then getting hits on daily basis then got tortured by Hoseok in an empty stomach. 

Something I got to eat a single bite after three days. I have been starved for even five days. I don’t know how did I survive. All day I wished a miracle happen and I get a bit food. Being hungry is the worst than anything. 

Day by day I turned into a lifeless soul. An empty shell. 

I stopped hoping for a miracle. In real life this kind of shits of doesn’t exist. I was so keen on killing myself, I was constantly starved, beat to death, bullied and worked beyond my limit. I was so skinny that one could count my bones with naked eyes. 

 I had enough, I couldn’t go with this more. I need to die. I need to end this and got out of the miseries. Everyone is so right I should have just died with my parents. 

Even if I do not kill myself now they'll definitely kill me sooner or later Or maybe my hunger will kill me. 

So, that day I went to the rooftop to kill myself. When I looked down from there I felt fear but this will be over in few seconds right? This what Hoseok and aunt told me. Once I die everything will be over. I'll be free. 

I took my steps towards the end slowly. I was just only a step close to my end. 

"I need to die. I need to die. I need to die."

This was the line I chanted continuously in my head. Before I could jump off, a hand pull me off with so force. 

What! why!!! Noo!! I need to die. 

Who are you?  Why aren’t you letting me die. 

Little did I know this was going to change my entire life.

I have known her before, she was a rich spoil brat. She and her lackeys were all bad people. No she never notice me before, she never bullied me. She was so busy trying to catch some attention. She was the sister of the angel Roseanne Kang.

But she changed suddenly. After a vacation she came back totally changed. She was not the same person, it was like she was reborn new person.

She saved me from killing myself. She saved me, she gave me something I've craved for years, it was food. I was beyond greatful. 

Next time she appear like an angel saved me from Jung Hoseok. She took me to medic. To my absolute shock she again give me chocolate. I had starved for days. It was like the most delicious thing in the world for me.

Then I observed her again. Why would she be good to me. Of course I asked and she answer my questions. 

I felt my heart go insane when I saw her. I thought it’s because of she was a bad person and I hated her kinds. 

But why I feel like I'm safe and protected from the world. Why she feel like the only safe place in the world for me? My heart start to act weird whenever I'm thinking about her or I'm near her. 

She helped me and had my back when I was at my worst. 

She is none other than Kang y/n. 

She was the miracle and hope of my life. 

Y/n is like an angel, not that sweet innocent type. Y/n is an angel with a cold heart and fire wings.

 But to me she is my fate itself.

Y/n gave me something very important to her. She said It's time for me to change my fate or suffer. 

But I decided that very moment that I'll live. I've always wanted a miracle to happen and now that I got a chance I will not back off or run away like I always did.

That day I went to a jewellery shop I sold the chain and kept the locket to me. 

It gave me huge amount of money, I've never seen this amount of in my lifetime. I went to home took few clothes and stole food and money from aunt. 

I wanted to post the video of Jung Hoseok bullying me but he was so powerful I knew it will be a matter of minutes the video will be taken down and they'll find me and kill me. So, I decided to keep it. I was very determine from that day, One day I'll become strong and successful. 

I run off from my house I didn’t know what to do, where to go. I just run mindlessly. 

I went to a restaurant and ordered things that looked delicious. When the food arrived I start to eat like a starve dog people looked at me weirdly but who cares. A man came and seat on my table. He does not look Asian. I looked around the restaurant is housefull no wonder this man sit beside me. 

Whatever so many food I should eat them all. I was eating without the care of the world. The man sometime took glace at me, probably judging me for behaving like a poor beggar. 

I was thinking about how i should spend my money and what should i do for living. I saw the man was done and was going for to pay. That remind me I also need to pay. 

Thank you

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