Hospital's Owner

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"Dr. Lia, this is so irresponsible of you," Dr. Sherly scolded me as I bit my lip and looked at the ground.

So, yes. In the end, I couldn't board that train and the next train was after fifteen minutes, due to which, I reached fifteen minutes later than when I was supposed to, even after running to save time.

By the time I had reached the hospital, the owner had already taken rounds in the neuro ward and had found out that I was late.

Not a very good first impression, I think.

Not the time to be sarcastic, Lia.

"Do you realise how bad you have made the neurology ward seem today? Even though I tried covering up for you saying that you had already told me about it, he understood that you hadn't, and he was pissed as hell," Dr. Sherly has been giving me an earful for the last five minutes now.

"Ma'am, I am really sorry. I missed the train and the next one was -"

"I don't care. Now, he wants to see you once he is done with his work and mind you, you are gonna apologise to him and make sure that no one else is affected. It is your responsibility, and you are gonna have to take it up. Even if it comes down to him firing you, you will have to deal with it without any support from me," she ordered.

"Yes, doctor," I nodded.

"Good, now go and start your work. I shall call you when I receive a call from him saying he is available," she told me, and I left for the locker room to get set.

This is all his fault. Why couldn't he have just kept our stupid fight out for one day?

Like you do it, right?

Shut up. You are my conscience. You can not defend him.

Okay, but seriously, wouldn't you have done that too if your situations were reversed?

I would have definitely done that. But, I am a girl. I have all the right to be moody. He has to be courteous.

He is right. You are a chauvinist.

Shut up. I yelled mentally and shut my locker door.

I went straight to the ICU first and started checking on the patients.

By the time I was done with all the patients on the floor, two hours had already passed.

Then, I went to the cabin in the ICU and sat down to study the files of the new patients.

I was reading through a complicated case of epilepsy when Dr. Sherly knocked on my door.

"Yes, ma'am?" I asked, standing up.

"He just called. He wants to meet you now," she told me.

I nodded and started following her after instructing the nurse to keep a check for some time and call us in case of an emergency.

We went to the first floor and took a few turns to reach his office.

I saw David standing at the end of the corridor and waved at him. He smiled and started walking towards me.

"Wait here for a minute," Dr. Sherly told me, drawing my attention towards her.

I nodded, and she went inside, closing the door.

My eyes popped out on reading the name on the door.

"Kingston?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Kingston, the owners of the hospital," David said beside me.

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