Heart's Sorrow

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"It will stay on high!" I yelled.

"Low!" he yelled, turning it back.






"Stop turning it so hard. You will break it," he yelled turning it the other way.

"You stop turning it. Period," I yelled turning it to the right.

"Listen, crazy woman, I am feeling hot already. I can't bear to keep the house at seventy-five on the heater tonight," he complained.

"I don't care. It is still cold for me!" I told him, stomping my foot on the ground.

"You have been living in Canada for fucking eight years! How in the world is a sixty-five cold for you?" he cried.

"Living in Canada is supposed to make me immune to cold?! That's your logic? They have heaters even there, Mr. Living-in-my-own-world!" I scoffed.

He sighed in frustration, "Fine. It was a horrible point to make. My bad. But, there is a solution to your problem. You can wear another hoodie or a sweater for you to feel warm. But, what do you expect me to do? Roam around naked?"

"Eww....no. But, you can wear lighter clothes," I offered.

"I am in a wife beater and shorts, you blind stubborn lady! The next is gonna be shirtless or in my boxers!" he yelled.

"I swear I will sue you of sexual harassment if you move around the house in your boxers. Stay inside your room!" I warned him.

"Oh God! For the sake of my waning patience! That's not the motherfucking point!" he cried in frustration and turned around.

He took a couple of breaths as I turned the thermostat back to seventy-five.

But, even before I could take my hand off it, he changed it back to cool.

"What the hell!" I cried again.

"What is the fucking problem with you, crazy woman? I thought we were okay since that night in the hospital. For the last three weeks, we have hardly argued let alone fought and we take the teasing comments positively and playfully. Then, what is wrong with you now? Why are you not trying to understand the problem and compromise?" he asked me, pouting lightly.

"We were okay. We still are. As much as we could be. But, I am feeling cold and this isn't something I can compromise on," I shrugged.

"Can't or won't?" he looked at me with suspicion.

"Both," I answered honestly.

He groaned in frustration and I turned to look at the thermostat.

That's when I realised that I was still holding on to it and Drama Queen's hand was holding my palm.

Suddenly, my hand started feeling warmer. I don't know why but, my hand in his felt nice. Almost as if it was a perfect fit. As if they were just two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle meant to fit like that.

What the fuck are you thinking, Lia? You need to focus on the thermostat!

I was shaken out of my weird thoughts by my conscience and I shook my head and looked at Drama Queen's face again.

We stared at each other in the eyes for a minute and we both knew what the other was thinking.

I kept my other hand on the thermostat and tried to push him out of the way as he tried to get me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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