Holiday's Trip

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"Dr Lia, these are the postings that start tomorrow. You are shifted to the emergency ward. Unfortunately, our kid's ward is still facing a staff crisis. So, you are still on double duty as you will be working one shift each for both wards simultaneously every day," Dr Sherly told me as she handed me over my schedule.

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock.

Work for two wards at the same time?

"Softly, Dr Lia. This is a hospital," she reminded me.

"Sorry, but ma'am, this isn't fair. I can't keep doing this. It's been more than a month and a half since I started working double shifts for this ward and now this? I barely get to go home and rest," I complained to her.

"I am sorry but, this is a management order. Mr Kingston specifically asked me to put you up for this. I can't go against him. He is the boss. But, what I can tell you is that he is coming in today for some work and if he can find time for you from his busy schedule and you manage to convince him to change his mind, I'll make a new schedule," she told me.

I knew it!

"Fine, I'll speak to him. Do you know what time he is coming?" I asked her.

"Why would I know that?" she scoffed arrogantly.

"Cause you keep flirting with him all the time," I muttered after she left.

I got up and went to the reception.

"Hey, Sandra, do you know what time Mr. Kingston's gonna be here today by any chance?" I asked her.

"I don't think he is gonna come up here. Maybe he'll just go to his cabin. But, I can ask the front reception to give us a call when they see him come in," she told me.

"Sounds good. Please do that," I told her and she nodded with a smile.

After about three hours, Sandra came to me as I was checking a stroke patient's vitals. 

This was the worst thing about working in a kid's ward. It pains me to see such innocent lives having to go through so much but, what can I do except help them become better?

"Nurse, there seems to be some issue here. Can you call Dr Sherly?" I told her looking at the charts.

"She isn't here. I can get Dr Gesner though," she said and left after I nodded.

After a while, the doctor came and I showed him the reports and spoke to him about my concerns. He explained to me the case and cleared my doubts.

"Ah! That makes a lot of sense," I told him, "Thanks, doctor."

He smiled and said, "No worries."

He gave me a nod and left.

After writing a couple of notes, I returned to the reception.

"Sandra, did the front reception call? Is he here?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I came to tell you and then, I forgot. He is here for the last hour now," she winced.

"No worries. I was busy anyway. Why don't we do this? I'll go see if he is available now and you keep an eye out on the patients?" I told her and left after she nodded.

I went to the first floor, walked to his cabin and knocked on the door.

I waited for a reply for a few minutes and knocked again.

"Come in," I heard him say and opened the door.

To my surprise, Dr Sherly was there too and the two were sitting together on the couch.

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