Chapter 8 - Sunsets

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Lauren groaned awake at a firm nudge to her side. "Mm... Five more minutes..." She mumbled sleepily trying to shy away from the touch and return to the land of unconsciousness. Warmth beckoned her.

"Get off me, girl." Megatron's rough tone woke her quickly. It was like having a subwoofer put on top of you with the dial turned up to a hundred. It rattled her to her very core and stole away any residual drowsiness.

Without much of a second though, Megatron's clawed hand came to her and she stumbled into it immediately. "Sorry, didn't sleep well the other night." Lauren rubbed away the crust from her eyes.

"You are responsible for your own recharge, fleshling." He grated out as he returned her back to the ground. She suddenly felt much smaller. 

Lauren swayed, slightly lightheaded from standing up too fast. Her throat was dry and her skin felt oily. She'd need a shower at some point, but that ultimately went on the back burner for the time being. She ran her hands through the tangled in her hair in an attempt at grooming. 

"You rubbed your organic stench into my metals." The statement came out in repugnance. "You will rid me of this putrid odor at once, girl." He snarled gruffly with a harsh exhale. 

"If you want a bath, just say that. You're a big man." She yawned again, her words coming out haphazardly. "You know how to use your words."

His shark like teeth bared at her in a fruitless display of authority and threat. "You will serve or I will crush you."

Rubbing tiredness from her face, she replied nonchalantly and with a roll of her shoulders. "Well, I'm waiting to be crushed whenever you're ready Mr. Lord."

His growl made the room vibrate, disturbing all her trinkets and projects. "Go." His command was followed by a firm flick of a claw to her back.

She stumbled forward several feet before catching herself mid fall. She threw a glare back at the hulking bot. "You didn't even give me a chance to start walking asshole! A little notice next time maybe!"

"You insects are too slow and inefficient." The decepticon insulted.

"Slow?! Well, sorry, but I'm not forty feet tall!" She turned and made her way toward the barn's exit, but not before turning on her heal, arms crossed expectantly. "Well? Are you coming or what? Or do you need me to take you outside too?" She smirked playfully over her shoulder and left. 

Another growl and he was emerging from the wood structure. The heat of the sun on his metal was welcomed as his servos flexed allowing him to stand at full height. 

"Wait here while I get everything." Lauren shouted as she jogged off towards the house.

Megatron watched her fleeting form, but his attention was soon caught by another approaching sound. There was no mistaking the distant rev of an engine and the forming clouds of dirt.

Quick thinking had Megatron swiftly transforming back into the military truck he so desperately despised. The sound of the engine grew nearer and so did Lauren's footsteps.

"Megatron..." Her voice quickly died in her throat as she watched the approaching truck pull into the drive.

There was no mistaking that white pick-up truck with the blue racing stripe. Lauren's fists clenched as she held her supplies closer. 

The vehicle came to an abrupt park, the breaks screeching in pretest all the while. "You still haven't hocked that piece of junk?" His tone was incredulous as he emerged from the driver's side, slamming the door behind himself a bit too harshly. 

Lauren glared, her hose, soap, and sponge still in hand. "Will you get the fuck out of here Micheal?"

"I'd had figured your 'pa taught you some manners, guess not." He barked back sharply. "So, what? You're just going to pretend that this isn't happening?" His brows furrowed as his eyes scanned over her face with scrutiny, she offered no reply as her eyes narrowed. "Whatever, Lauren." Micheal scoffed as he dug into his pocket, pulling out a folded up piece of paper.

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