"How did you get my number"

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(This chapter is written a bit poorly)

Tatum quickly met up with You outside, and quickly found Stu (more like he found you, considering ya'll didn't see him till he picked up Tatum from behind and threw her over his shoulder) You told Tatum that Randy had picked up and extra shift at Blockbuster to fill his now empty day, when Stu interrupted the pleasant conversation

"Cizzool cuz scizzol is izzout" the boy cheered "I don't know what you did, but on behalf of the entire student body, we all say 'THANK YOU!!'

"Drop it Stu," Tate demanded, still being held on his shoulder

"I say, impromptu party tonight, my house!
Celebrate this little siesta! What do you say" Stu asked, looking between you tatum

"Are you serious" Tatum questioned angrily

"Honestly, I'm not one for parties...plus theres still a killer out there, its not safe to have a party now" You told him

"exactly, i agree with n/n, a party isn't a good idea" Tatum responded, smacking her boyfriend in the arm

"Don't worry, it'll be fine" Stu reassured. "I won't invite the whole world. Intimate gathering, intimate friends! What do ya say guys?"

"I still don't know" I replied

"Thank you" Tatum sighed

"Ugh, you guys are no fun. Come on! it'll be perfectly fine, look if the killer is there, i'll protect you guys" Stu said as he flexed his muscles

"Free food?" You asked

"Absolutely" stu responded

"Then count me in, i want free food"

"Awesome! hey baby, if n/n is going then you have to go now"

"look if i die its your guys fault" tatum then pointed at you two

"How about you and Tatum bring food, i'll give you guys money" Stu suggested "You guys know where to get the good stuff!"

"Fine. y/n, you're coming with me," Tatum told you

"Alright Tater Tot" you shrugged

"Ooo~ "Tater Tot,' that's new" she smirked

"What? I'm thinking about food!"



"What..." you said in a sleepy voice

"Hello~ n/n" A familiar voice said

"What do you want now?" you then looked at the clock on the table deside your bed "its literally 3:28 right now, go to bed"

"Tch, whats wrong cupcake? tired?"

"Yes dumbass, look i just wanna go back to sleep i can't right now man.." you said and were literally so close to hanging up

"Can we not talk right now? i just wanna know more about you sweetie"

"Don't 'sweetie' me cunt, you killed my friend! what else do you fucking want?! just leave me alone!" You shouted angrily and hunged up


The next morning came and it was a Saturday so you didn't have school, it was currently 11 in the afternoon

You were about to get up from your bed when you heard a *ding* from your phone. You grabbed your phone from the bedside table, you quickly unlocked it and saw a new text message

Your boyfriend:
I want to apologize for what happened yesterday

How the fuck did you get my number creep
and change your name asshole, i don't want your ugly

Your boyfriend
Oh come on darling, you haven't even seen me without my mask

Answer my question

Your boyfriend:
It was surprisingly very easy to get your number sweetheart, you need better security

Well thanks for the advice, im blocking you now goodbye 🙃

Your boyfriend:
If you block me your dying tonight, and i know your address i could come there right now and slice you

what do you even want

Your boyfriend:



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Cringing to hard rn...

Your boyfriend:
how rude😔 i was being nice

I literally couldn't care less, go jump off a building loser

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