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Billy slowly made his way over to the door, unlocked the two locks, and opened the door slightly. Randy came flying in and Billy slammed the door back shut

"Stu's flipped out! He's gone mad!" Randy shouted

Billy looked over at him. A wicked grin then sprawled out across his face, and he didn't look like the boy you had all those fun times with, he looked like a killer in a scary movie

"We all go a little mad some times" he smirked

He then raised the gun, and shot Randy.
Randy went flying back, and crashed into a small end table pushed up against the wall, his body shattering the vase that had been on top

"Anthony Perkins, 'Psycho' "William said, quoting his little one liner

You looked at him in horror, and he stuck a finger into one of his 'stab wounds.' He covered it in the 'blood,' and stuck his finger in his mouth to lick it off

"Corn syrup," he elaborated "The same stuff they used as pigs blood in 'Carrie' "

You were shocked "Your sick..." you managed to utter out

Billy's eyes lit up when you said that. That phrase was printed across his abdomen, It was definitely confusing for his parents and childhood doctors, but it all began clicking together in his head when he saw your reaction to his question that fateful day. He already had his plan nailed down by that point

He was never one for variables, especially when he had a very specific endgoal in mind. But you...you were a variable he was willing to keep around

"Surprised?" he said with a cheshire grin "This is quite the the turn of events"

You began to back away, only to bump into someone. You quickly turned around and saw Stu standing there, an unreadable expression on his face. He quickly enveloped you in a hug, and you latched onto him in fear

But, he reached into his back pocket, and pulled out a little white box. On it was a speaker and a microphone. He held the box up to his mouth, and smirked

"Surprise n/n he said

You quickly began tying to push yourself away from him, recognizing the voice as the one that called and killed your friends. The two men began to cackle, Of course they found this amusing. They have waited so long for this moment

"What's the matter n/n?" Billy asked "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"Why are you doing this" You whispered

"You see, it's all part of the game! It's called 'Guess how I'm gonna die' "Stu shouted "It's a fun game! See, we ask you a question, and if you get it right... BOOGAH!! You die!"

"You get it wrong....you die" Billy finished

You wanted to cry but you were still trying your best to hold them in. You refused to give these two that power over you

"You guys are crazy" You hissed

"We actually prefer the term psychotic" Stu cut in

"You'll never get away with this" You argued

"Oh! We will get away with this. Just look at Cotton Weary. You'll never believe how easy he was to frame" Billy smirked

You haven't heard about this Cotton Weary before, Although, due to context clues, it was pretty easy to figure out that they had pinned a past murder on him and gotten away with it

"Watch a few movies, take a few notes... it was fun" Stu smiled

You finally managed to push yourself away from Stu, and you began sprinting in the direction he had come from. You hoped that there was a back door or open window, just some sort of entrance that you could use as an exit

You made it into the kitchen and were about to sprint into the living room, only for Stu to swing out from around a corner

"Where you going" he asked with a smirk

You turned back to make a break for the front door, only to see William enter the room. You were cornered with two killers, you had locked eyes with the knife block but you know you can't it on them, they were stronger then you and can easily take the knife from you

Plus you had hemophobia. The thought of the sight of real blood freaked you out...Ugh fuck this if they were gonna kill you at least you have to try your best to defend yourself, you aren't going down without a fight

You grabbed the knife on the knife block and held it out defensively, ready to stab the shit out of either of these boys

"Come on y/n, don't be like that" Stu fake pouted

You quickly turned and held the knife up at him. In your head, you were picturing all the vital points to hit in case he tried to attack you. You were ready to kill these fuckers if you had to

"n/n, put the knife down. You don't know how to use it" Stuart continued

You just gripped the handle harder. Your knuckles were paling at how hard you were holding the poor kitchen appliance. Before they could properly react you sprinted towards billy and stabbed him on the shoulder, making him yelp in pain and making you drop your weapon to

You started running to the front door just for it to be locked, you tried to unlock it but it was stuck, you took a closer look and found it to be covered with glue

You groaned and started running to where the back door was, you could hear Stu's footsteps but thankfully you were fast enough, you grabbed your phone (pretend they have phones in 1996) but before you could make it to the back door, you hear Stu's voice behind you

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