Connecting the dots

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"URGENT, another woodsboro high school student was found dead last night at 10:52. This is the sixth murder that the killer has committed. Police are still investigating about this matter, The killer is still around so be sure to lock your doors, and go home at 7:30"

These people are literally dropping like flies, how have the police not found the killer yet? one part of you was scared and the other part was still scared, he has your number, he knows where you live, who knows when he will come and kill you

But thankfully, the past few days the police has been outside your house, protecting you from the creep so you felt a bit more safer

Everyday when you go outside, Dewey was always there to greet you and walk you to school. When you arrived at school there was of course, Police officers and News people to ask students questions

Surprisingly you only heard about the what happened, not the student's name, hopefully it isn't someone who's close to isn't...right?

Randy tapped on your shoulder
"oh my god, did you hear about what happened yesterday?" he said

"Another ghostface murder"

"correct but you'll never guess who the victim is"

"Who?" you asked, curious


Your face expression instantly changed, your eyes widened and your mouth DROPPED, Tatum? THE tatum?

"You must be joking...theres no way, are you being serious?"

"Why would i lie about this, literally billy and Stus girlfriends are both dead! they look so suspicious right now, i think they might be the killer"

"But, why would they kill their girlfriend?" you questioned

Randy scoffed "There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. Everyone's a suspect!"

"So you think its billy or stu"


"Then why di-"

"They're both the murder" Randy hissed

"What cha guys TALKING about?" Stu suddenly spoke behind you 2 and warped his arm around your shoulder

"Nothing important. What are you doing here anyways" You asked looking at stu, who was behind you

"Thats probably the question i'm supposed to ask, what are you GUYS doing HERE, infront of the school entrance? seriously?" He stated

"You know...aren't you supposed to be like sad..right now? you seem to be really happy right now" Randy questioned

"Why would i be sad? nothing bad has happened yet"

Randys eyes widened and pulled you away from stu, he then quickly dragged to into the school building, leaving behind a confused stu

"Now i'm 100% sure that he's the murder" Randy gulped

"but what if he doesn't know yet?" you asked

"he HAS to know, All of the news stations are literally all talking about it"

"What if he doesn't watch the news?"

"He'll STLL KNOW! remember how he told all of us on how he lovesss tatum so so much that he calls her every night at 11 to make sure she's ok? the murder happened on 10, if she didn't answer Stu would've find it really weird!" Randy explained

your eyes widened a bit and you looked down on the ground to process what randy just said

You then look back up to him "yo..i think you might be right..we shouldn't go to his fiesta, we're definitely gonna get murdered there"

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