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Woke up, tears dry I didn't even want to go downstairs. I could not tell you how freaking tired I was, I picked up my phone realizing that my mom had called me TEN times. I'm killed I'm roadkill. I was already in trouble with my dad that's already bad now MY MOM? A different story. I go downstairs to see the fresh smell of waffles.

''Goood Morning!'' Stacey said 

''Gm'' I replied my dad smiled brightly at me surprisingly

''Hey sunshine!!, How was your night?'' my dad said 

''It was fine-ish''?

''Ok, I called your mom last night, she seemed reallly worried about you, did you not answer her calls?'' As soon as he said that I stopped in my tracks

''Um I was sleeping..'' I lied, my lying really couldn't get across my dad

''OK sure''? 

I grabbed waffles put some syrup and started to walk outside until I was stopped

''Where do you think your going missy'' my dad said 

''Outside on the porch'' I replied

''Outside? after yesterday I don't think so''

''Please dad I promise''

''Fine but please come back after'' He said with worried eyes he didn't want me to go out there and get lost if I were him I wouldn't want me to out either.

''I will'' I said and this time I wasn't lying 

I sat outside on the porch on a chair with my waffles that were getting soggy. It was just me by myself and wind blowing hair in my face and my mouth, ew. Everything was normal until that boy the one who gave me a ride home was there on his skateboard ig, then he came to the porch. Was he going to say something I mean obviously he wasn't gonna go there just to look at me, would he kidnap me something told me to run but something also told me to stay?

He walked up to me and put his skateboard down like he was going to sit down with me. 

''Hey, are you that girl?'' He said with a kinda confused face but also with a smirk.

''Are you that guy'' I replied with sarcasm

''Ha ha very funny, so you are that girl I gave a ride too.''

''Maybe why you wanna know''? I said with  a smirk it felt like we were flirting.

''Um no reason, its just uh-'' He paused it seemed like he wanted to say something but he couldn't get it out. He finally continued.

''Um there's not a lot of uh people here and when I saw you I wanted to get to know your name ig.'' He looked so nervous was he asking me out?, or wanted to be just friends, I just met him I didn't want to go to fast and it seemed like he wasnt even into me so...

''Yeah um there's not a lot of people here and I NEED a friend so... yeah what your name'' I said with a smile.

''My name is Dylan, I moved here two years ago, you?'' He was scratching his curly dirty blonde hair, and smiles at me, he kinda looked away cause he was blushing.

''Aliyah, but I like Leah, more, or Ali that's what my mom calls me, I used to live here, but I moved when I was seven, I'm here to be with my dad''. We both smiled at each other it seemed like we wanted to be more than friends but that just from my point of view, but I didn't know if he was a serial killer, or a phyco so I didnt want to be to quick already made that mistake.

''Ok Aliyah, I actually like Ali more u ok with that? But anyways there's a party tonight and if you could go I would love- like you being there, I could give you a ride, so you don't get lost-AGIAN'' He laughed his laugh was pretty.

''SHUT UP'' I said in a joking way laughing ''I wont get lost again, and I would love to come if I could convince my old man so, see you there?''

''I guess see you there, hey if your done with breakfast you wanna hang out?''

''I need to ask my dad before I go''

''COMN, you dont need to ask your dad to do everything how old are you?''

''Im fifteen'' I said kinda embarrassed, but he gave a kinda yes face that im fifteen.

''ME TOO'' he said with excitement.

''O-K?'' I said with a confused tone why did that have to do with anything?

''Oh sorry um I normally dont find anyone my age''. He said kinda embarrassed

''But anyways as I was saying, your FIFTEEN you do not need to ask him I dont ask mine''. 

I dont know I was never that kid that would stuff without my parent permission I would always ask mine and if they said no I wouldn't do it. But idk is Dylan becoming a bad influence?, but he is cute, so.....

''Ill ask him, what if he says yes?'' 

''Ok ill be waiting'' He said with a smile and went away with his skateboard. 

''Ill be at the park'' 

I went inside and walked into the livng room where my dad was.

''Hey dad could you believe that I made a friend and he wants to hang out!'' I said in a hoping he will say yes.

''HE''  he said turning away from his tv.

''Yes he could I please hang out with him'' I said in a begging voice

''This better not be the boy that gave you a ride home''

HOW did he know I swear he's a Phi kick 

''No hes not''

''Then you can go, but where are you going?''

''THANK YOU, and to the park''

''COME BACK AT THREE'' he said yelling after I ran to the door

''OOOOK'' I was so happy nothing could be better than this.

I left the house going to hang out with alleged ''cRuSh''

OOOK DONE sorry if it feels rushed I was at school and my friends were begging me to get off so. ALSO im kinda writing this because so many Wattpad stories are turning into shows so byyye my losers

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